hangultaja A program to practice hangul keyboard input. How to build From tarbell $ ./configure $ make From source repository $ ./autogen.sh $ ./configure $ make Dependencies libhangul - Implement hangul input ncursesw - Display screen via terminal How to run Word practice $ ./hangultaja word $COUNT $LAYOUT COUNT: Number of words to practice. (Default to 50) LAYOUT: Layout of the keyboard. Sentences practice $ ./hangultaja short $COUNT $LAYOUT COUNT: Number of sentences to practice. (Default to 50) LAYOUT: Layout of the keyboard. Document practice $ ./hangultaja long $DOCUMENT $LAYOUT DOCUMENT: Document to practice. ({*} from res/long/{*}.txt) LAYOUT: Layout of the keyboard. Layouts 2, 2y, 3f, 39, 3s, 3y, 32, ro Controls Enter: Next word/line. End: Quit program.