
Sources for my65816 FPGA computer

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Sources for my65816 FPGA computer

I am mainly working on this project because I want to fool around with FPGA The aim was to implement a 65816 machine which uses a OS like the one found in the Atari XL/XE. Apart from the basic (kernel)-OS, nothing is compatible or even like the original Atari XL/XE series.

  • homemade 65816 FPGA core, running at 100Mhz, not state compatible

  • 8MB SD-RAM, running at 100Mhz

  • RGB (Scart) output

  • Resolutions:

    • 320x200 graphics 256 out of 512 colors
    • 640x200 graphics 2 / 512 colors
    • 80x25 Text 2/512 colors
    • 80x25 Text 16 forground, 16 background colors
    • 8 sprites 24x200 pixel 16/256 colors2
  • 2 x RS232: Terminal 115200 baud, Mouse 1200 Baud

  • PS/2 keyboard interface

  • SD-Card interface

  • 4x7seg display

  • beeper

  • 1 reset, 4 buttons

  • Atari-like kernel/monitor, Fat16-DOS

  • VTL-2 with 24-bit enhancements, load and save command