
scripts for managing my mobile phone photo backups

Primary LanguagePython

Mobile Processing Scripts

Read about how i create and use these scripts to manage my mobile phones photos here!.


This script requires exiftool to be installed.

This script extracts GPS data and dumps it into a JSON file for a directory of JPGs. Typically you run this script first.

Scripts in the ./scatterplots directory require the location_data.json that this script generates.

Scatterplots Directory

This contains some scripts to display the data from GetGPSData.py in scatter plots.

PhotoMap Directory

This contains a node project for displaying from GetGPSData.py as an interactive map using openstreetmap mapping data, mapbox browser intergration tools, and leafletjs to provide map markers.

To use this you need to optain an API key from mapbox to use their tools. There is a free tier for this that works great.

First install node dependencies.

npm install

Then run npm run start and navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser.