🔌 vue-cli-plugin-gh-pages-auto-deploy

Install the plugin into your project:

vue add gh-pages-auto-deploy

What this plugin does ?

This plugin automates Github Pages deployment by using Github Actions.

How ?

On every push or merge to the master branch, your code will be built and pushed to a branch named gh-pages. So, practically your code will automatically be deployed every time you push on master.

If you want to use another branch (not master), go to .github/workflows/gh-pages-deploy.yml and change the "master" to your branch name

      - master <== Change this

How to make it work ?

  • After you have added the plugin, just commit and push to master.

  • Navigate to your github project and click 'Settings'

  • Scroll to find the section 'Github Pages' , select the gh-pages branch and click 'Save'

  • Click Actions (1) then Deploy to github pages (2) and last click on the action (3).

  • If everything goes well, you will see something like this:

🚀🚀 Congrats 🚀🚀

Your site is ready to be published. You might have to wait a bit. Generally it takes 2–10 minutes until this process is done.