
Dollar Bill is a dashboard for individual investors, track assets, watch the market and trading

Primary LanguageTypeScript

💸⚡️ DollarBill-BackEnd

📘 Table of contents

  1. What is this
  2. Features
  3. How to install
  4. How to use
  5. Improvements Ideas

💸 What is this

  • This is the backend for Internal APP of Dollar Bill
  • Dollar Bill is a dashboard for individual investors, track assets, watch the market and trading
  • It uses Firebase for storing the users and news
  • It is written in typescript, uses node and a simple express server implementation
  • It works as an API service and cover the following services for the app 👇

⚡️ Features

  • CRUD for vaults (your exchange wallet)
  • Watch the markets (API prices) and save favourites
  • Trading box, open and close orders in your preferred exchange

⚙️ How to install

  • Clone this repo: git clone https://github.dev/RolandoDrRobot/CoraToken-BackEnd
  • Go to my-app and npm install
  • Run npm run dev
  • Right now only works on localhost, still planning the meaning of this project
  • When you start the server, It will be availble on port 443, so, the APIs links will be preceeded by localhost:443

⚙️ How to use


  • createVault: endpoint /createVault pass as arguments (vaultsDB, name, api, apiSecret, exchange, owner)

  • removeVault: endpoint /removeVault pass as arguments (vaultsDB, api)

  • getVaults: endpoint /getVaults pass as arguments (vaultsDB, account)


  • fetchPrices user: endpoint /fetchPrices this is a get call

  • openOrder: endpoint /openOrder pass as arguments (vaultsDB, transactionsDB, symbol, type, side, amount, price, account, exchange)

  • closeOrder: endpoint /closeOrder not working yet

  • fetchOrders: endpoint /fetchOrders pass as arguments (vaultsDB, account, exchange)

  • cancelOrder: endpoint /cancelOrder pass as arguments (vaultsDB, account, exchange, orderID, ticker)


  • add favourites: endpoint /fav pass as arguments (favsDB, account, ticker)

  • remove favourites: endpoint /removeFav pass as arguments (favsDB, account, ticker)

  • get favourites: endpoint /getFavs pass as arguments (favsDB, account)

📘 Improvements Ideas