
A dead simple almost-ORM for fetching and manipulating SQL data

Primary LanguageGo




Looks like an ORM. Almost an ORM. Except that it's not. Horde is a dead simple Almost-ORM package I wrote for myself and my team at work. This will help us fetch SQL results just like in a decent ORM way (i.e: nested json result based on the declared relationship, etc). This uses ozzo-dbx for query execution under the hood and for the meantime only works for Microsoft SQL Server >= 2012. It used ozzo-dbx because I thought ozzo-dbx could provide what we wanted but it cannot, so what I did was I wrote Horde on top of it because I already had it.

I might add support for MySQL later.


go get github.com/Roldification/horde

Getting Started

Defining the Model

// Customer is a model for Customer table
type Customer struct {
	CustomerID string `db:"CustomerID"`
	LastName   string `db:"LastName"`
	FirstName  string `db:"FirstName"`

// TableName returns the name of the table
func (c Customer) TableName() string {
	return "Customer"

// Define the Relationship for the Customer model by returning the Relationship struct. The function name is the Relationship Name.
func (c Customer) SavingsAccounts() h.Relationship {
	return h.Relationship{
		PrimaryKey:   "CustomerID",
		ForeignKey:   "FKCustomerIDAccount",
		RelateModel:  SavingsAccount{},
		Relationship: h.HasMany,

// Define another Model.
type SavingsAccount struct {
	AccountNumber        string  `db:"AccountNumber"`
	FKCustomerIDAccount  string  `db:"FKCustomerIDAccount"`
	FKSAProductIDAccount string  `db:"FKSAProductIDAccount"`
	Balance              float64 `db:"Balance"`

func (sa SavingsAccount) TableName() string {
	return "SavingsAccount"
  • h.Relationship{} - the Relationship between the two models, should be returned in defining Horde Relationship.


package main

import (

	h "github.com/Roldification/horde"
	_ "github.com/denisenkom/go-mssqldb"
	dbx "github.com/go-ozzo/ozzo-dbx"

func main() {
    // setup database connection
    mockDb, err := dbx.Open("mssql", "odbc:server=xxxx;port=1433;user id=xxxx;database=xxxx;password={xxx};")

    if err != nil {
    // initialize the Horde Model
    customer := h.Model{
      BaseTable: Customer{},
    // Horde Model has these methods FindOne(), FindAll(), Where(), OrWhere(), AndWhere() and finally, Get()
    result, err := customer.FindOne().Join("SavingsAccounts", []h.WhereClause{}).Where(h.WhereClause{
      Column:    "CustomerID",
      Condition: "=",
      Value:     "026-0000008",

    if err != nil {
    jsonString, _ := json.Marshal(result)


this outputs:

  "CustomerID": "026-0000008",
  "FirstName": "JOHN",
  "LastName": "DOE",
  "SavingsAccounts": [
      "AccountNumber": "012345567",
      "Balance": 99999.25,
      "FKCustomerIDAccount": "026-0000008",
      "FKSAProductIDAccount": "01"


  • h.Model{} - instantiates our Horde Model. Exposes a BaseTable property to be filled with the Model (struct)
  • FindOne() - fetches one row (first row) of data from the database
  • FindAll() - fetches multiple rows from the database
  • Where(), OrWhere(), AndWhere() - filters the model. This function requires the WhereClause{} as parameter.
  • WhereClause{} - a struct to constructing filter statements in Horde. It has 3 properties: Column, Condition, and Value
  • Join() - a method to retrieve the relationship data of the parent model. This will require the Relationship Name defined for the model and also a WhereClause{} for filtering the related model. The Join() can go deep too. Just use it as Join("SavingsAccounts.SavingsTransactions.TransactionDetails", []WhereClause{}) or you can chain it with multiple joins i.e: Join(...).Join(...).Get(mockDb)
  • Get() - get the data. will return a map[string]interface{} for FindOne() and a []map[string]interface{} for FindAll(). It will require the ozzo-db connection as parameter.

It has Save() method too for Upsert() operations (like in other ORM). I will document it later ;)