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Simulating Ribosome profiling data for tool validation

How to install

if (!requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("devtools")

Simple example

Lets make a genome with 6 genes, each being coding (they have a CDS) and having 1 translated uORF:

## Simple example
# 6 genes on 6 chromosomes (1 active uORF each)
simGenome6 <- simGenome(n = 6, max_uorfs = 1)
# Simulate Ribo-seq only
gene_count_table <-simCountTables(loadRegion(simGenome6["txdb"], "cds"),
libtypes = "RFP", print_statistics = FALSE)
region_count_table <- simCountTablesRegions(gene_count_table,
     regionsToSample = c("leader", "cds", "trailer"))
df <- simNGScoverage(simGenome6, region_count_table)

The ORFik experiment object (df), now contains all linkers to resulting files.

Convert to other track formats

# Convert to bigwig

ORFik supports multiple other formats to convert to, also coverageSim internally has a option to simulate bam files from the ofst track output files.

Relevant paths for other programs

# Transcript annotation (.gtf)
gtf_path <- ORFik:::getGtfPathFromTxdb(loadTxdb(df))
# Genome sequences (.fasta)
fasta_genome_path <- df@fafile
# NGS track files (.bigwig, pairwise for forward and reverse strands)
bigwig_paths <- filepath(df, "bigwig")

Export to IGV

  • Open IGV,
  • Press "Genomes" tab (top left), "Create .genome file"
  • Unique Identifier: "Sim genome", Descriptive name: "Sim genome",
  • FASTA file: input fasta_genome_path above
  • Gene file: input gtf_path above
  • Press OK

Now load bigwig files by:

  • Press "File" (top left), "Load from File"
  • load all paths from bigwig_paths above

You now have genome, gtf and tracks loaded in IGV