
Github Trending scraper - Part of GitPoint API - https://github.com/RolfKoenders/gitpoint-api-docs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

GitPoint - API - Trending Scraper

XO code style Build Status Dependency Status

This project is part of the GitPoint API. More info about the GitPoint API can be found here.


GitPoint is a Github app build in react-native. A feature requests was to add Github trending to the app. Which is of course really cool but Github does not provide an api to retrieve the trending repositories. This is where the GitPoint API idea was born.

This scraper is scraping all the trending repositories of the Github trending page and stores them in a MongoDB database. The GitPoint API is used to retrieve them.

Data model

At this moment we only scrape the repositories which are trending 'Today'. We save them with the following model to a mongo collection.

    date: {
        type: Date,
        default: Date.now
    repositories: [{
        position: Number,
        namespace: String,
        name: String,
		description: String,
        language: String,
        totalStars: String,
        starsToday: String,
        forks: String



  • Docker && docker-compose

To run the scraper locally use docker-compose

$ docker-compose up --build

This launches a container running MongoDB and a container with the scraper. The scraper is running based on a cronjob pattern. The default pattern is every minute.


To customize the configuration you can use the following environment variables.

env description default required
LOGGER_NAME Name of the logger. TrendingScraper
LOGGER_LEVEL The level of the logger to output. error
MONGODB_HOST Host of the mongodb instance -
MONGODB_PORT Port of the mongodb instance -
MONGODB_DB Database to use gitpoint
CRON_PATTERN Cronjob pattern for the scraper '0 * * * * *'
CRON_TIMEZONE Time zone of the cronjob -
HTTP_PORT Port for the HTTP server. 1337

HTTP Actions

There is a HTTP server which can be used to trigger a scrape action and to check if the application is launched / still running.

GET /scrape

Will trigger the scraper.

GET /health

Returns 200 'OK' if running.