
Multi-OS Engine: Gradle Plugin

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MOE Gradle Plugin

The MOE Gradle plugin adds support to building MOE based applications via Gradle.

Table of Contents

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There are two Gradle plugins:

  • moe-sdk: this plugin ensures the MOE SDK is installed on the system and exposes the moe extension for accessing its properties.
  • moe: this plugin does the same as moe-sdk, but also adds all the tasks, rules, etc. necessary to build a MOE-based application.


Build and publish release version to Maven local repository:

cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-gradle:publishMavenJavaPublicationToMavenLocal

Build and publish snapshot version to Maven local repository:

cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-gradle:publishMavenJavaSnapshotPublicationToMavenLocal

Build and publish release version to Bintray:

cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-gradle:bintrayUpload \
    -Pbintray.user=user \

Build and publish snapshot version to Artifactory:

cd <repo>/moe/tools/master
./gradlew :moe-gradle:artifactoryPublish \
    -Partifactory.url=url \
    -Partifactory.key=key \
    -Partifactory.user=user \

Debugging the Plugin

Before running Gradle, export the following:

export GRADLE_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005"

This way you can remote connect to debug the plugin.


The plugin knows which SDK to download, and automatically installs it into the .moe directory under the user's home directory.

The default installation directory can be overridden via the USER_MOE_HOME environmental variable.

The plugin's associated SDK is also customizable and is evaluated as follows:

  • If there is a path specified via Gradle's project property moe.sdk.localbuild, that will be used
  • If the MOE_SDK_LOCALBUILD environmental variable exists, that will be used
  • If the moe.sdk.localbuild file in the module, the contents of that file will be used
  • Otherwise the default SDK will be downloaded on demand and used

The SDK's structure must be as follows, otherwise the validation will fail:

+- sdk
|  +- moe-core.dex
|  +- moe-core.jar
|  +- moe-ios-javadoc.jar
|  +- moe-ios-junit.dex
|  +- moe-ios-junit.jar
|  +- moe-ios-retro-dex.jar
|  +- moe-ios-retro.jar
|  +- moe-ios.jar
|  +- iphoneos/MOE.framework
|  \- iphonesimulator/MOE.framework
\- tools
   +- dex2oat
   +- dx.jar
   +- ios-device.jar
   +- java8support.jar
   +- macosx/x86_64/lib(clang|imobiledevice|natj).dylib
   +- preloaded-classes
   +- proguard-full.cfg
   +- proguard.cfg
   +- proguard.jar
   +- retrolambda.jar
   +- simlauncher
   +- windows/x86_64/(libeay32|libimobiledevice|natj|ssleay32).dll
   \- wrapnatjgen.jar



You may configure a custom SDK version as follows in the build.gradle file:

buildscript {
    project.getExtensions().getExtraProperties().set("moeSDKVersion", 1.3.+)



ProGuard has three supported levels of trimming: app (default), platform, all

This level can be set in the buildscript:

moe {
    proguardLevel 'platform'
  • app will only process the classes of your application and it's non-MOE dependencies. This is the fastest mode and is recommended for development.
  • platform will do the same as app but will also include the moe-ios.jar MOE dependency. This mode is a bit slower and only provides marginally better results.
  • all will do the same as platform but will also include the moe-core.jar MOE dependency. This is much slower than the other two, but will provide the best size reduction.

At any of these levels ProGuard may trim out classes which are needed at compile/runtime. For further configuration see ProGuard Task.

Xcode Project

Generated Xcode project settings can be configured as follows:

moe {
    xcode {
        // Object, path to the Xcode project.
        // Object, path to the Xcode workspace.

        // String, name of the main target.

        // String, name of the test target.

        // String, name of the main scheme.

        // String, name of the test scheme.

Note: when working with Xcode workspaces, scheme settings are required!

Code Signing

Code signing can be configured by the following options:

moe {
    signing {
        // String, ID of the development team.

        // String, path to the provisioning profile or UUID.

        // String, name of the provisioning profile (new in Xcode 8).

        // String, name of the signing identity

Code Signing Defaults

The development team setting can have a default value which can be set in this file: <user-home>/.moe/default.properties.


Resource Packaging

Resource packaging into the application.jar can be configured in the build script with the following options:

moe {
    packaging {
        excludes = ['LICENSE', 'LICENSE.*']
        exclude 'README.md' // Excludes the README.md file from the application.jar
    resources {
        // Enables resources from the source directory
        enableResourcesFromSourceDirs = true

        // Excludes all Java source files when copying from the source directory
        resourcesFromSourceDirExcludes = ['**/*.java']

Java Processes

VM arguments for launched Java processes can be customized, for example custom xmx values can be set:

moe {
    javaProcess {
        jvmArgs '-Xmx4096m'

UI Actions and Outlets

Generating Objective-C interfaces can be configured to limit what should be generated. By default all classes marked with @ObjCClassName annotation will be processed.

moe {
    actionsAndOutlets {
        // Only include classes matching any regex in this array, setting to empty list resets to default behavior
        includes = ['org\\.moe\\.\\w*Controller']

        // Add include criteria regex to the includes array
        include 'org\\.moe\\.\\w*Controller'
        // Additional code to be generated into the Objective-C source
        additionalCodes = ['@class MyObjCOnlyClass;']
        additionalCode '#import "MyClass.h"'
        // Disable the generation of specified `@import`'s
        excludeLibraries = ['NotValidImport']
        excludeLibrary 'UIKit'


ProGuard Task

Task name: moe<sourceset>ProGuard

This task collects the dependent jar files and invokes ProGuard with a set of predefined and (optional) custom rules. The rules are composed of two parts. The first part comes from the MOE SDK (<sdk>/tools/proguard.cfg) which contains a set of predefined rules. The second part - which is optional - comes from the project's directory (<project>/proguard.append.cfg) and contains a set of additional rules which are appended to the original configuration. If for some reason the original proguard.cfg configuration file is not good for your project then you can overwrite it by creating a proguard.cfg file in your project directory. The result of this task is a proguarded.jar file which contains the minimized version of the application code which is required to run. Detailed information about what got stripped can be found in the proguard.log file which is in your build directory.

Overriding this level on the command-line can be done via the moe.proguardLevel=<level> project property.

Task Properties

  • proGuardJar: path to the proguard.jar file.
  • baseCfgFile: path to the base configuration file.
  • appendCfgFile: null or path to to appended configuration file.
  • inJars: collection of paths to files being passed to ProGuard via -injars.
  • libraryJars: collection of paths to files being passed to ProGuard via -libraryjars.
  • outJar: path to ProGuard's output jar.
  • composedCfgFile: path to the composed configuration file.
  • logFile: path to the task's log file.

Setting any of these properties to null will reset them to their default values.

Retrolambda Task

Task name: moe<sourceset>Retrolambda

This task collects the class files and invokes Retrolambda on them. This will create Java 7 compatible class files from Java 8 class files.

Task Properties

  • retrolambdaJar: path to the retrolambda.jar file.
  • inputFiles: collection of paths to files being passed to Retrolambda via -Dretrolambda.inputDir.
  • classpathFiles: collection of paths to files being passed to Retrolambda via -Dretrolambda.classpath.
  • defaultMethods: boolean passed to Retrolambda via -Dretrolambda.defaultMethods.
  • natjSupport: boolean passed to Retrolambda via -Dretrolambda.natjSupport.
  • expandedClassesDir: path to a temporary directory, where the input class files are collected.
  • outputDir: path to a directory containing the processed class files.
  • logFile: path to the task's log file.

Setting any of these properties to null will reset them to their default values.

Dex Task

Task name: moe<sourceset>Dex

We need to create a dex file from the proguarded jar which we can later on convert to art and oat files. This task is responsible for that. The result of this task is a classes.jar file which can be found in the build directory and detailed information can be found in the dx.log file.

Task Properties

  • dxJar: path to the dx.jar file.
  • inputFiles: collection of paths to files being passed to Dex.
  • extraArgs: extra arguments passed to Dex.
  • destJar: path to the jar file produced by dex.
  • logFile: path to the task's log file.

Setting any of these properties to null will reset them to their default values.

Dex2Oat Task

Task name: moe<sourceset><mode><arch-family>Dex2Oat

  • Values for mode: Debug, Release
  • Values for arch-family: Arm, Arm64, X86, X86_64

For Android's ART runtime to function we need to provide an art and an oat file which contains application code information and everything required by the application to be able to run. This task creates those files from the specified dex file created by the Dex task. The results of this task is an image.art file and an application.oat file both of which can be found in the build directory, detailed information about the process can also be found in the build directory in a file called dex2oat.log.

Task Properties

  • dex2oatExec: path to the dex2oat executable file.
  • archFamily: architecture family to build for, passed to dex2oat via --instruction-set.
  • base: the base address, passed to dex2oat via --base.
  • imageClasses: path to file containing classes to include in an image, passed to dex2oat via --image-classes.
  • emitDebugInfo: boolean for emitting debug info, when true passes --generate-debug-info to dex2oat, otherwise passes --no-generate-debug-info.
  • inputFiles: path to .dex, .jar, or .apk files to compile, passed to dex2oat via --dex-file.
  • compilerBackend: compiler backend, passed to dex2oat via --compiler-backend.
  • destImageFile: path to the image.art file produced by dex2oat.
  • destOatFile: path to the application.oat file produced by dex2oat.
  • logFile: path to the task's log file.

Setting any of these properties to null will reset them to their default values.

StartupProvider Task

Task name: moe<sourceset>StartupProvider

MOE supports extending Objective-C classes from Java, but there are some special cases where we need to register some classes even before the Objective-C runtime initializes. These classes must be collected at build time and this task is responsible for that. The classes it needs to collect are marked with a @RegisterOnStartup annotation. The results of this task is in the preregister.txt file which can be found in the build directory and additional information can also be found there in a file called StartupProvider.log.

Task Properties

  • inputFiles: collection of paths to files on which the search for the @RegisterOnStartup annotations is conducted.
  • preregisterFile: path to the output file containing the results.
  • logFile: path to the task's log file.

Setting any of these properties to null will reset them to their default values.

ResourcePackager Task

Task name: moe<sourceset>ResourcePackager

This task collects the resource files used by the application. These files can originate from the application's resource folder, dependent jars and additional external sources specified in the build script. The result of this task is an application.jar file which can be found in the build directory.

TestClassesProvider Task

Task name: moe<sourceset>TestClassesProvider

MOE supports running JUnit tests on iOS devices. This requires a list of classes which contain the JUnit tests. This task collects these classes and writes them out in a text file.

Task Properties

  • inputFiles: collection of paths to directories and jars. These inputs will be searched for JUnit tests.
  • classListFile: path to the output file containing the class list.
  • logFile: path to the task's log file.

Setting any of these properties to null will reset them to their default values.

GenerateUIObjCInterfaces Task

Task name: moeGenerateUIObjCInterfaces

Generates Objective-C class interfaces for working with Xcode's Interface Builder.

Task Properties

  • inputFiles: collection of paths to directories and jars. These inputs will be searched for Objective-C classes.
  • outputSource: path to the output file containing the class interfaces.
  • xcodeProjectFile: path to the Xcode project.

Setting any of these properties to null will reset them to their default values.

XcodeProvider Task

Task name: moe<sourceset><mode><arch><plat>XcodeProvider

  • Values for mode: Debug, Release
  • Values for arch: Armv7, Arm64, I386, X86_64
  • Values for plat: Iphoneos, Iphonesimulator

This task is responsible for collecting all of the files which are needed by Xcode so it can compile the application package. This task depends on most of the tasks described above. Also, this task will throw an error if the Xcode project is not yet updated.

XcodeInternal Task

Task name: moeXcodeInternal

This task is only called when the build is initiated from Xcode. If this is the case, Xcode will set a few environmental variables which this task will try to read and configure the other dependent tasks according to them. This task will look for the following environmental variables:

  • PLATFORM_NAME: target platform (iphoneos or iphonesimulator)
  • CONFIGURATION: target configuration (Debug or Release)
  • ARCHS: target architectures for the build
  • MOE_BUILD_SOURCE_SET: source set to build

All of these variables are required, otherwise the task will fail.

XcodeBuild Task

Task name: moe<sourceset><mode><plat>XcodeBuild

  • Values for mode: Debug, Release
  • Values for plat: Iphoneos, Iphonesimulator

This task invokes xcodebuild and creates the application.

Task Properties

  • target: target name in the Xcode project.
  • scheme: scheme name in the Xcode project.
  • configuration: configuration to build, derived from mode.
  • sdk: sdk to build for, derived from plat.
  • xcodeProjectFile: path to the Xcode project file.
  • xcodeWorkspaceFile: path to the Xcode workspace file.
  • additionalParameters: additional parameters to pass to xcodebuild.
  • provisioningProfile: path to the provisioning profile or UUID.
  • provisioningProfileSpecifier: name of the provisioning profile (new in Xcode 8).
  • signingIdentity: name of the signing identity.
  • developmentTeam: ID of the development team.
  • xcodeBuildRoot: xcodebuild root output directory.
  • xcodeBuildSettingsFile: path to the output Xcode build settings file.

Remote Build Properties

  • remoteBuild resources directories
moe {
    remoteBuild {
        resources = [ file("../android/assets") ]

IpaBuild Task

Task name: moeIpaBuild

This task creates an ipa from the app.

Note: Settings the Ipa export Scheme, Developer Team in the code signing options is required!

Ipa export can be configured by the following options:

moe {
    ipaExport {

        // (String) Path to the export options plist. If this defined, all other settings ignored

        // (Boolean) For non-App Store exports, should Xcode re-compile the app from bitcode? Defaults to false.

        // (Boolean) For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and this is true,
        // asset packs are embedded in the app bundle so that the app can be tested without a server to host asset
        // packs. Defaults to true unless onDemandResourcesAssetPacksBaseURL is specified.

        // (String) For non-App Store exports, if the app is using CloudKit, this configures the
        // "com.apple.developer.icloud-container-environment" entitlement. Available options: Development and Production.
        // Defaults to Development.

        // For non-App Store exports, users can download your app over the web by opening your distribution manifest
        // file in a web browser. To generate a distribution manifest, the value of this key should be a dictionary with
        // three sub-keys:




        // (String) Describes how Xcode should export the archive. Available options: app-store, ad-hoc, package,
        // enterprise, development, and developer-id. The list of options varies based on the type of archive. Defaults
        // to development.

        // (String) For non-App Store exports, if the app uses On Demand Resources and
        // embedOnDemandResourcesAssetPacksInBundle isn't YES, this should be a base URL specifying where asset packs
        // are going to be hosted. This configures the app to download asset packs from the specified URL.

        // (String) For non-App Store exports, should Xcode thin the package for one or more device variants? Available
        // options: <none> (Xcode produces a non-thinned universal app), <thin-for-all-variants> (Xcode produces a
        // universal app and all available thinned variants), or a model identifier for a specific device
        // (e.g. "iPhone7,1"). Defaults to <none>.

        // (Boolean) For App Store exports, should the package include bitcode? Defaults to false.

        // (Boolean) For App Store exports, should the package include symbols? Defaults to true.


Note: If xcode project use manual signing, provisioningProfileSpecifier is required!

Task Properties

  • inputApp: path to the app to create the ipa from.
  • outputIpa: path to the output ipa file.

ListDevices Task

Task name: moeListDevices

This task lists the UDID's of the connected devices.

ListSimulators Task

Task name: moeListSimulators

This task lists the UDID's of the available simulators.

Launch Task

Task name: moeLaunch

This task builds and runs the main target of this application on the specified device(s) and/or simulator(s). The following project properties control this task:

  • -Pmoe.launcher.devices: comma separated list of device of UDIDs to run the app on.
  • -Pmoe.launcher.simulators: comma separated list of simulator of UDIDs to run the app on.
  • -Pmoe.launcher.options: comma separated list of options. Options:
    • config: overrides the default configuration of release, supported values: debug, release.
    • no-wait-device: tells the device launcher not to wait for devices if they're not connected.
    • no-build: tells the task not to build the project before launch. This requires an already existing build with the correct configuration.
    • no-launch: tells the task not to launch the app. This is useful when you only want to build for your target devices and want to run as a separate step.
    • install-on-target: forces application to be installed on the target device. Mostly used in combination with no-launch.
    • no-install-on-target: skips installation of the application. Mostly used in combination with no-build.
    • debug: tells the device and simulator launchers to launch with JDWP. Parameters for this option <local-port> or <local-port>:<remote-port>. Remote port only has an effect when launching on devices.
    • arg: passes the specified argument to the application.
    • vmarg: passes a VM argument to the application.
    • env: passes an environmental variable to the application (format: key=value).
    • proxy: creates a proxy server on the host to the device. Parameters are the same as for debug.
    • raw-test-output: print all test output to stdout/stderr instead of creating reports.

If neither -Pmoe.launcher.devices and -Pmoe.launcher.simulators is set, then the task will try to launch on the first available device.


Build for and launch on the first available device:

./gradlew moeLaunch

Don't build and launch a debug session (with JDWP on port 5005) on simulator:

./gradlew moeLaunch -Pmoe.launcher.simulators=XXXXXXXXXXXX -Pmoe.launcher.options=no-build,debug:5005

Test Task

Task name: moeTest

This task builds and runs the test target of this application on the specified device(s) and/or simulator(s). The controlling project properties are the same as for the Launch task.

ConfigRemote Task

Task name: moeConfigRemote

This task run an interactive command-line utility for configuring and testing remote server connection and authentication.

TestRemote Task

Task name: moeTestRemote

This task tests the connection to the remote server.

RemoteServerSetup Task

Task name: moeRemoteServerSetup

This task ensures the remote system has the MOE SDK installed properly. This task will run before the first task that would use the remote connection.

Remote Server Settings

The following settings are available for configuring the remote connection:

  • host: address of the remote build server.
  • port: port for ssh, defaults to 22.
  • user: user on the remote build server.
  • identity: path to private key.
  • knownhosts: path to known_hosts file.
  • keychain.name: name of keychain to unlock, defaults to 'moeremotebuild.keychain'.
  • keychain.pass: password for keychain, defaults to ''.
  • keychain.locktimeout: keychain lock timeout in seconds, defaults to 3600.
  • gradle.repositories: repositories to be used when setting up the MOE SDK on the remote server, defaults to 'jcenter()'.

The identity and knownhosts keys accept special parameters to access environmental variables ($env$KEY), system properties ($sys$KEY) and project properties ($proj$KEY).

Example: knownhosts=$sys$user.home/.ssh/known_hosts

All of these properties can be overridden from command-line with -Pmoe.remotebuild.<setting>=<value>. The moe.remotebuild.properties file can be completely ignored by passing the -Pmoe.remotebuild.properties.ignore parameter.

NatJGen Task

Task name: moeNatJGen

This task runs the NatJ binding generator with specified configuration. Allowed configuration formats: *.natjgen and *.nbc The following settings are available for configuring the binding generator:

moe {
    natjgen {
        config 'sample.natjgen'
        logFile 'binding/logs/natjgen-${DATETIME}.html'

UpdateXcodeSettings Task

Task name: moeUpdateXcodeSettings

This task adjusts Xcode project settings for the current Moe version. This should be ran after you change the Moe version in Gradle. Use -Pmoe.forced.update to force updating of Xcode project even if it is already determinable as up to date.