Enterprise Ionic/Angular Monorepo Sample Repository

This repo holds all the code for some of the sample apps as part of mono repository(Monorepo). The code which can shared across the apps must be created as library and inject to the apps via dependency injection.

Following are the sample apps the mono-repo supports
    -> Sidemenu (Ionic template) 
    -> Tabs (Ionic template) 
    -> List (Ionic template) 

Follow below septs to create the mono repo from scratch

Create a directory and initialize a monorepo

ng new workspace-name --strict --create-application=false

Initialize the monorepo as an Ionic multi-app project. This will create a multi-app ionic.config.json file. See Config File for full details.

ionic init --multi-app

We're going to use the command line utility rimraf to remove some of the files that are created when using Angular's library schematic

npm install --save-dev rimraf

Project Structure we will plan to implement


Create a folder for apps

mkdir apps

Adding an App

cd apps/
ionic start "app-name" --no-deps

Migrate app specific angular.json to root angular.json before removing app specific angular.json

npx rimraf apps/app-name/angular.json

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/package.json -e "delete this.scripts"

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/package.json -e "delete this.dependencies"

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/package.json -e "delete this.devDependencies"

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/package.json -e "delete this.author"

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/package.json -e "this.author = 'Ranjoy Sen'"

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/package.json -e "this.description = 'Tabs App'"

Remove the tsconfig.json form the app folder as we will refer to root tsconfig.json

npx rimraf apps/app-name/tsconfig.json

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/tsconfig.app.json -e "delete this.extends"

npx json -I -f apps/app-name/tsconfig.app.json -e "this.extends = '../../tsconfig.json'"

Optional :: Add PWA support for web apps

ng add @angular/pwa --project app-name

Most of our projects will be workspace libraries. We'll set the default project folder to the libs folder which will be created shortly. Do this by running this ng config command.

ng config newProjectRoot libs

Add compodoc support to generate documentation

Create a compodoc config file at the root of the repo

touch app-name.compodoc.json

Upadate the json content with the files from the relevant app folder and everything in libs

    "include": [

Create a new script in package.json to generate the doc

"doc:app-name": "./node_modules/.bin/compodoc -p app-name.compodoc.json -w -s -d ./documentation/app-name"

Generate library

ng generate library library-name --entry-file=index --skip-install --skip-package-json

We're going to get rid of the files ng-package.json, package.json, and tsconfig.lib.prod.json as we want this to be a workspace library, not a package library.

npx rimraf libs/library-name/*package.json

npx rimraf libs/library-name/tsconfig.lib.prod.json

if needs to remove the default generated filed in the lib

npx rimraf libs/library-name/src/lib/*.*

Remove the build architect target since we're not going to build this library separately – instead, it'll be built as part of the booking applications.

npx json -I -f angular.json -e "delete this.projects['library-name'].architect.build"

The Angular library schematic in tsconfig.json set up the path mapping in the following listing.

  "compileOnSave": false,
  "compilerOptions": {
    "paths": {
      "library-name": [

That path mapping was meant to use a package library after it had been built and output to the dist folder. We don't have a build architect target for the library anymore. Monorepos use workspace libraries straight from their source code and build them as part of an application bundle.

npx json -I -f tsconfig.json -e "delete this.compilerOptions.paths['library-name']"
npx json -I -f tsconfig.json -e "this.compilerOptions.paths['@workspace-name/library-name'] = ['libs/library-name/src/index.ts']"

Consolidated Steps to create library, named walkthrough

ng generate library shared-component-library --entry-file=index --skip-install --skip-package-json

npx rimraf libs/shared-component-library/*package.json

npx rimraf libs/shared-component-library/tsconfig.lib.prod.json

npx json -I -f angular.json -e "delete this.projects['shared-component-library'].architect.build"

npx json -I -f tsconfig.json -e "delete this.compilerOptions.paths['shared-component-library']"

npx json -I -f tsconfig.json -e "this.compilerOptions.paths['@rc-enterprise/shared-component-library'] = ['libs/shared-component-library/src/index.ts']"

Generate Page

cd cd workspace-name/apps/app-name/src/app 
ng g page pages/page-name

To copy all the assets of in root of the app while building, make following changes in angular.json for each app in architect->build->options->assets for each app

  "glob": "**/*.json",
  "input": "libs/<shared-library>/assets",
  "output": "assets"

Translation has been implemented as common shared file applicable too all the apps in the repo, Update the relevant translation keys in


Create build scripts in root package.json for convenience

run app in local environment

npm run start-app-name

Lint app in local environment

npm run lint-app-name

Test app in local environment

npm run test-app-name

Build app in local environment

npm run build-app-name

Code commit rules

Checkout build

git clone <git-url> -b <branch>

Make relevant changes

Stage related files together for a particular operation

Use VS code option to stage your changes

Commit message guidelines for App

<App initial (<app-name>)> : <Short description>

Commit message guidelines for Lib

<lib-name> : <Short description>

Commit message guidelines for Root

<ROOT> : <Short description>

Create separate PR for APP or LIB to elevate to for related feature changes

Take frequent update in working days to avoid code conflicts