

This repository contains OpenSILEX PHIS users documentation.


PHIS (Phenotyping Hybrid Information System) is developped for high-throughput plant phenotyping in close interaction to plant phenotyping communities. PHIS is part of SILEX collaborative meta-project developped at MISTEA joint research unit (INRA - SupAgro). More information on SILEX is available at SILEX web page.


Contributors to this documentation are agents of the INRA - SupAgro joint research units MISTEA and LEPSE in Montpellier :

  • Alice Boizet
  • Andréas Garcia
  • Anne Tireau
  • Arnaud Charleroy
  • Llorenç Cabrera-Bosquet
  • Morgane Vidal
  • Pierre-Etienne Alary
  • Vincent Migot

Every PHIS user is welcomed to enrich this repository with its experience of the information system.


This documentation is currently under developpement. If a PHIS user wish to point out a flaw in this documentation, he is welcomed to do so in this repository's GitHub issues.

Concerning issues with OpenSILEX PHIS itself, users are invited to report them via OpenSILEX development team email address:


Pilot version of PHIS (different to the one presented here) described in Neveu, Pascal, et al. "Dealing with multi‐source and multi‐scale information in plant phenomics: the ontology‐driven Phenotyping Hybrid Information System." New Phytologist (2018).

An interactive web user interface of the pilot version of PHIS, currently used in the plant phenotyping platform PHENOARCH in Montpellier, is available at

The current version of OpenSILEX PHIS is presented on the webpage


© OpenSILEX v.3.2 - May 15, 2019 ; Software is licensed under AGPL-3.0 and data under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0