
Mobile version of "Spyfall" board game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Mobile version of "Spyfall" board game

What is this?

Spyfall is a psychological game which goal is to uncover a spy. It is preferred to play in a company of 4-5 people.

How to play?

  1. Get together with a company of players. Yes, you really should all get together in the real world.
  2. Create a new game. Enter the names of everyone who will play, starting with yourself.
  3. When all other players have scanned the QR code for the game, you can start the Round.


Round of the game

Each round takes place at a specific location. It is known to all players (the "show location" button), except for the spy. One by one, players ask each other questions about the location, trying to find out who of them is a spy.

The "civilians"

The task of the "civilians" is to find the spy by asking each other questions. Let's suppose the location for this round is the SPACECRAFT. You ask your neighbor - to player X: "have you been to this location before?" If player X answers “Yes”, which is hardly true and causes suspicions, you can initiate a vote against player X. If most of the players supported the vote, and it turns out that player X is indeed a spy, then the "civilians" win the round, each earning 1 point and the next round begins. If player X turned out to be civilian, then the round is won by the spy who gets 2 points.

Questions and answers should not be too obvious. For example, if at the location “airplane” to the question “what do people do in this location“ you answer “fly from one country to another”, the spy will immediately understand the location. On the contrary, if you answer "sitting", then you will raise suspicions on yourself, since your answer was way too general.

The spy

The spy wins a round in two cases: if he names the location out loud, or if other players voted against the civilian. You can only try to name a location aloud once. If it turns out to be wrong, the round is won by the civilians.

End of the round

For each round, a fixed amount of time is given (the host should watch after it). At its end, players are required to arrange a vote, and the spy no longer has the right to name the location aloud. The player having the largest number of votes against him reveals his role, thus determining who won in this round.