A Windows Disk Imager. A C#.NET utility for reading / writing SD cards and USB devices.
Licensed under GNU General Public License 3.0 or later. Some rights reserved. See LICENSE, AUTHORS.
The current release can be downloaded here
Utility was tested on Windows 7/8/8.1/8.1 Pro.
(Please feed back any platform testing you do, or any issues you encounter. Thanks.)
This utility is a .NET implementation of Win32DiskImager with a couple of features authors wanted to use:
writing images to a number of SD cards at once
reads/writes images to/from compressed file formats: ZIP, TGZ, GZ, XZ
remembers the last file you read/wrote
unmounts drives after write
provides more file filters within file dialog for typical image files (.img, .bin, .sdcard)
it also might be slightly faster when dealing with uncompressed read/write
NOTE: This application is under development and could possibly cause damage to your computer drive(s). We cannot take responsibility for any damage caused or losses incurred through use of this utility. Use at own risk!
Credits: Inspired by the excellent Win32DiskImager.
Roman Belkov - romanbelkov@gmail.com
Alex J Lennon - ajlennon@dynamicdevices.co.uk