Description: The foolish task for working with strings and pointers.
Task: create "Positioner" which provides the set of possibilities for working with given string. The positioner contains inner pointer. Operations are executed according to pointer position.
Required methods:
- has("substring") - check if substring is present in the workspace.
- next("substring") - returns position of the next substring. Pointer moves forward according to the search direction.
- prev("substring") - returns position of the previous substring.
- reset() - reset pointer position.
- changeSearchDirection() - change direction of search to the opposite.
- forward(N) - offsets pointer position forwards in appropriate direction by N characters.
- backward(N) - offsets pointer position backwards in appropriate direction by N characters.
- add("substring") - inserts substring at the current pointer position.
- remove(N) - removes N characters in appropriate direction.
- replace("from", "to") - replaces every entries.
- Added UI
- Minor changes
- Added a lot more JS events
- Fixed some problems
- Added Log-panel with possibility of rollback
- Work with reverse direction have been fixed
- Minor changes
- Redesign UI