
A web application that models a Blog in padrino

Padrino Blog

We're going to make a blog using Padrino.


  • Fork this repo, git clone as normal

  • cd PadrinoBlog

  • padrino g project PadrinoBlog -d activerecord -e erb -t shoulda -b .

  • Don't forget to add the following to your Gemfile:

    gem "database_cleaner"

  • And drop the following code in test/test_config.rb

    def setup DatabaseCleaner.strategy = :truncation DatabaseCleaner.start end

    def teardown DatabaseCleaner.clean end

  • Don't forget to run bundle


  • Generate the models given in this image using padrino g model blah


  • Don't forget to create your test database

    padrino rake -e test ar:create

  • Don't forget to migrate to your test database

    padrino rake -e test ar:migrate

  • Run with

    padrino rake test:models

  • Docs at

    padrino rake -T