
Spring boot user-to-user chat with spring web socket, Sock Js and Stomp protocol

Primary LanguageJava

User-to-User chat with spring web socket, Sock Js and Stomp protocol


  • Implemented chat-bot which sends in response to any message a random article from Habrahabr.com
  • Generating avatars of users, depending on their name and surname.

Deployment information

Tested environment

  1. Java version: JDK 8
  2. DataBase: Postgresql 9.6
  3. Build tool: Maven

Chat deploying steps

  1. Create database with name "webchat"
  2. Configure file application.properties
  3. Configure connect function in chat.js file, if your port is not "8080"
  4. Cd into project WebChat
  5. Build project with mvn spring-boot:run
  6. For sign in you can use username and password
  7. Username:roman Password:roman
  8. Username:max Password:max
  9. Username:misha Password:misha

Bot deploying steps

  1. Cd into project ChatBot
  2. Build project with mvn spring-boot:run