
simple python test template generator for typed funtions

Primary LanguagePython

template unit test case generator for python in golang style

VScode extension: https://github.com/RomanMIzulin/python_unittest_vscode

Can be found in vscode by unittest_generator or just via direct link https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=RomanMatveev.unittest-generator


  • support pytest
  • support methods
  • write more tests
  • far future: autoimport neccesary types for tests
  • write FAQ and create simple github page

now it geneates for python function:

def kek(arg1: int, arg2: str) -> str:
    return str(arg1) + arg2

source code like this:

    def test_kek():
        class Args:
            arg1: int
            arg2: str

        class Test:
            name: str
            args: Args
            want: str

        cases: tuple[Test] = (
            # TODO: add cases here
        for case in cases:
            if (v := func(*case.args)) != case.want:
                print(f"{func.__name__()} got {v} wanted {case.want}")