
Forked in case it gets wiped. Reasons: LEGACY

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Small class that is used as result holder (Success or Failure) and extensions on top of it. In fact this is Either monad implementation, but instead of "Right" and "Left" it contains of "Success" and "Failure". Unlike Kotlin's default Result could be used without any compiler flags and any object could be used as error part.



Representing success result:
val success: Result<String, Nothing> = Result.success("hello")

Representing success result without return type:
val success: Result<Unit, Nothing> = Result.success()

Representing error:
val error: Result<Nothing, Throwable> = Result.error(IllegalStateException("wrong action))

try-catch replacement:

val result: Result<Int, Throwable> = tryWithResult {
result.isFailure == true
result.error() == NumberFormatException

It'll catch all thrown Throwables

Because of using Nothing as representation of missing type, you can safely cast Result to any needed type:

fun loadUser(): Result<User, Throwable> {
   val result: Result<User, Nothing> = Result.success(User())
   return result // this works fine despite function requires Result<User, Throwable> return type

Getting result:

There are few ways to get result from Result object.
Native are:

val success = Result.success("hello")
success.getOrThrow() == "hello"

val error = Result.error("critical error")
error.errorOrThrow() == "critical error"

But be aware that these functions throw IllegalStateException if you try to get inappropriate result.
To prevent this you can use checks:
result.isSuccess and result.isFailure

Besides that you can use another extensions to unwrap value:

val result: Result<String, Throwable> = loadUserName()

val name = result.get() // safe, returns nullable
val error = result.error() // safe, returns nullable

val (name, error) = result // destructuring declaration, safe, nullable

// these are safe and returns Result itself:
result.onSuccess { name -> println(name) }
    .onError { error -> println(error) }
    .withSuccess { println(this) }
    .withError { println(this) }
 result.getOrDefault { "hello" } // safe, returns default if error
 result.getOrDefault("hello") // safe, returns default if error
 result.errorOrDefault { IllegalStateException() } // safe, returns default if success
 result.errorOrDefault(IllegalStateException()) // safe, returns default if success

There are some extensions to work with Lists:

val result: Result<String, Throwable> = loadUserName()

val list: List<String> = result.toList() // returns List with single success element or empty list
val listOfError: List<Throwable> = result.toErrorList() // works opposite to above

Let's imagine we have some list of Results. If you need, you can map and filter it into list of success or failed items:

val results: List<Result<String, Throwable>> = loadUserNames()

val successItems: List<String> = results.toSuccessList()
val failedItems: List<Throwable> = results.toErrorList()


You can use such modifiers as:
map, flatMap, mapError, flatMapError, swap.

Other things:

doIfSuccess and doIfError are called in appropriate cases, but without values.
Replacement of if (result.isSuccess) { } and if (result.isFailure) { }

How to add to your project:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file.
Add this in your module's build.gradle at the end of repositories:

repositories {
    maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.green-nick:Result:{put latest version here}"