
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

React Product Catalog

Implement the catalog with a shopping cart and favorites page according to one of the next designs:

You may also implement color theme switching!

If you work in a team

Follow the Work in a team guideline

Code formatting

Install Prettier Extension and use this VSCode settings to enable format on save.


Use the data from /public/api and images from /public/img folders. You can reorganize them the way you like.


  1. Put components into the src/components folder.
    • Each component should be a folder with index.ts, ComponentName.tsx, ComponentName.module.scss files.
    • Use CSS modules.
    • Keep .module.scss files together with their components.
  2. Advanced project structure:
    • src/modules folder. Inside per page modules HomePage, CartPage, etc., and shared folder with shared content between modules.
    • Inside each module its own components folder with the structure described above. And optionally other files/folders: hooks, constants, and so on.
  3. Add the sticky header with a logo, navigation, favorites, and cart.
  4. The footer with the link to the GitHub repo and Back to top button.
    • The content should be limited to the same width as the page content;
    • Back to top button should scroll to the top smoothly;
  5. Add NotFoundPage containing text Page not found for all the unknown URLs.
  6. All changes the hover effects should be smooth.
  7. Scale all image links by 10% on hover.
  8. Implement all form elements and icons according to the UI Kit.

Home page

Implement Home page at available at /.

  1. <h1>Product Catalog</h1> should be visually hidden.
  2. PicturesSlider:
    • Find your own images to personalize the App;
    • Change pictures automatically every 5 seconds;
    • The next buttons should show the first image after the last one;
    • Dashes at the bottom should allow choosing an exact picture.
  3. ProductsSlider for the Hot prices block:
    • The products with a discount starting from the biggest absolute value;
    • < and > buttons should scroll products.
  4. Shop by category block with links to /phones, /tablets, and /accessories.
  5. Add Brand new block using ProductsSlider with products without a discount starting from the most expensive.

Product pages

There should be 3 separate pages /phones, /tablets, and /accessories.

  1. Each page loads the data of the required type.
  2. Add an h1 with Phones/Tablets/Accessories page (choose required).
  3. Add ProductsList component showing all the products.
  4. Implement a Loader to show it while waiting for the data from the server.
  5. In case of a loading error show the something went wrong message with a reload button.
  6. If there are no products available show the There are no phones/tablets/accessories yet message (choose required).
  7. Add a <select> with the Newest, Alphabetically, and Cheapest options to sort products by age, title, or price (after discount).
    • Save the sort value in the URL ?sort=age and apply it after the page reload.
  8. Add Pagination buttons and Items on page select element with 4, 8, 16, and all options.
    • It should limit the products you show to the user;
    • Save pagination params in the URL ?page=2&perPage=8 (page=1 and perPage=all are the default values and should not be added to the URL;
    • Hide pagination elements if they do not make sense;
    • You can use the logic explained in the React Pagination task.

Product details page

Create ProductDetailsPage available at /product/:productId.

  1. ProductCard image and title should be links to the product details page.
  2. Use Loader when fetching the product details.
  3. Show the details on the page:
    • Fix one Available color and one Select capacity value for now;
    • About section should contain just a description (without any subheaders);
    • Choose Tech specs you want to show.
  4. Add the ability to choose a picture.
  5. Implement You may also like block with products chosen randomly:
    • Create getSuggestedProducts method fetching the suggested products.
  6. Add Back button working the same way as a Browser Back button.
  7. Add Breadcrumbs at the top with:
    • A Home page link;
    • A category page link (Phones, Tablets, Accessories);
    • The name of the product (just a text).
  8. Show Product was not found if there is no product with a given id on the server.

Shopping Cart page

Create a Cart page with a list of CartItems at /cart. Each item should have an id, quantity, and a product. Use React Context or Redux to store Items.

  1. Add to cart button in the ProductCard should add a product to the Cart.
  2. If the product is already in the Cart the button should say Added to cart and do nothing.
  3. Add the ability to remove items from the Cart with an x button next to a CartItem.
  4. Add a message Your cart is empty when there are no products in the Cart.
  5. Add the ability to change the item quantity in the Cart with - and + buttons (it should be > 0).
  6. Total amount and quantity should be calculated automatically.
  7. Show the quantity at the Cart icon in the header.
  8. Save the Cart to localStorage on each change and read it on page load.
  9. Checkout button should show a modal dialog with the text Checkout is not implemented yet. Do you want to clear the Cart?:
    • Clear the Cart if the user confirms the order;
    • Keep the Cart items and close the confirmation on cancel;
    • Use the confirm function if you don't have a better solution.

Favorites page

Create Favorites page with a ProductsList showing favorite products at /favorites.

  1. Add/remove a product to favorites by pressing a heart button in the ProductCard element.
  2. The heart should be highlighted if the product is already added to the favorites.
  3. Use React Context or Redux to store the favorites.
  4. Show the number of favorites at the Favorites icon in the header.
  5. Save favorites to localStorage on each change and load them on page load.

Other tasks

  1. Add NotFoundPage containing text Page not found for all the other URLs with the link to HomePage.
  2. Implement the Product was not found state for the ProductDetailsPage.

(*) Advanced tasks

  • Implement color theme switching!
  • Use skeletons to make loading more natural.
  • Add the ability to change page language.


Show input:search in the header when a page contains a ProductList to search in.

  1. Save the Search value in the URL as a ?query=value to apply on page load.
  2. Show There are no phones/tablets/accessories/products matching the query instead of ProductList when needed.
  3. Add debounce to the search field.