Primary LanguageTypeScript

Object-relational mapper

Library made as a part of "Design Patterns" subject. Subject is a part of BSc Computer Science programme at AGH UST.

Branching strategy

All branches should start from develop.
Name convention: type/issue_id/comment, where:

  • type describe branch purpose. Types:
    • build
    • chore
    • ci
    • docs
    • feat
    • fix
    • refactor
    • test
    • revert
  • issue_id github issue id.
  • comment briefly description (2-3 keywords).

Example: docs/5/add-readme

Commit naming convention

For this project commitlint is configured. Commit summary should have below structure:
type: subject

  • type describe commit purpose. Same as type in branching strategy.
  • subject quick commit summary written in an imperative mood. Summary should start from lower case and end without dot.

Example: docs: add readme

Further commit description can be added after blank line.


Any issue should have own branch.
One can merge a branch when tip commit pass all pipelines and code is approved by codereview.