
Fork of Flixel-gdx used at Rombosaur Studios

Primary LanguageJava

Flixel-gdx Fork (name pending)

Fork of flixel-gdx with tweaks for it's use at Rombosaur Studios.


  • Libgdx updated to 1.9.4. Flixel-gdx updated accordingly (not thoroughly tested, and with some todo's)

  • IntelliJ IDE integration

  • Project generation script

  • Personal tweaks

  • Fixed wiki markdown

Project generation script

The cheapest gdx-setup-ui ever!


It's a bash script so Linux only. It also depends on zenity.
Run it with the following command:


fill in all the form inputs, and hit the Ok button.

If you don't want to install zenity you can run the following command:

    ./gen-project.sh [package_name] [game_name] [output_folder]

The output will be ugly, as it's supposed to be piped to zenity, but it'll work.

For the rest, treat the project as a gradle based Libgdx project (open the build.gradle from intellij as project and etc...).