
list contacts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


application to create, recuperate, delete and update list contacs, created with React Native - Expo

author: Turiano Romero

Project Versions

Requeriment Version
Node 14.17.3
npm 6.14.13
React 17.0.1
React Native 0.64.3

Third Party Libraries Versions

Dependency Version
Redux 4.1.2
React redux 7.2.6
Redux Persist 6.0.0
uuid 8.3.2
react-hook-form 7.26.0
axios 0.25.0
react-navigation 6.0.8
react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view 0.9.5

Available Scripts

Install dependence

instal expo global

npm install --global expo-cli


npm install

Run App

expo start

yarn ios

yarn android

Form App

