Jeton Lib 2
Extension of bitcore-lib-cash for advanced Bitcoin Cash transaction types
Bitcoin Cash has script functionality, such as OP_CHECKDATASIG which is unique among Bitcoin forks. This functionality allows Bitcoin Cash users to particpate in on-chain, non-custodial escrow transactions (and more). Jeton Lib extends the popular bitcore-lib-cash library to allow for easy creation of transactions which leverage the powerful capabilities of Bitcoin Cash.
Get Started
npm install jeton-lib2
npm install bitbox-sdk
Adding Jeton Lib to your app's package.json
"dependencies": {
"bitcore-lib-cash": "^8.8.4",
"bitbox-sdk": "^8.11.2"
Complete examples are located in the /examples directory.
Include jeton-lib wherever you use bitcore-lib-cash
const jeton = require("jeton-lib");
var BITBOX = require("bitbox-sdk").BITBOX;
var bitbox = new BITBOX({ restURL: `` });
const PrivateKey = jeton.PrivateKey;
const Signature = jeton.Signature;
const OutputScript = jeton.escrow.OutputScript;
const Transaction = jeton.Transaction;
Generate an escrow scriptPubKey
// Create keypairs for 2 traders and an oracle
// Seller keypairs
var sellerPrivKey = new PrivateKey(
var sellerPubKey = sellerPrivKey.toPublicKey();
var sellerAddress = sellerPubKey.toAddress();
//Buyer keypairs
var buyerPrivKey = new PrivateKey(
var buyerPubKey = buyerPrivKey.toPublicKey();
var buyerAddress = buyerPubKey.toAddress();
//Oracle keypairs
var oraclePrivKey = new PrivateKey(
var oraclePubKey = oraclePrivKey.toPublicKey();
var oracleAddress = oraclePubKey.toAddress();
// Create the output script
var outputScriptData = {
conditions: [
// Trade is successful
message: "1",
oraclePubKey: sellerPubKey,
spenderAddress: buyerAddress
// Buyer is awarded key
message: "2",
oraclePubKey: oraclePubKey,
spenderAddress: buyerAddress
// Trade Cancelled
message: "3",
oraclePubKey: buyerPubKey,
spenderAddress: sellerAddress
// Seller is awarded key
message: "4",
oraclePubKey: oraclePubKey,
spenderAddress: sellerAddress
outScript = new OutputScript(outputScriptData);
// p2sh escrow address to be funded
var escrowAddress = outScript.toAddress();
Create a transaction with a P2SH output from escrow script
async function fundEscrow() {
var result = await bitbox.Address.utxo(sellerAddress.toString());
var res = result.utxos[0];
// Create example UTXO for seller which will be used to fund the escrow
var utxo = new Transaction.UnspentOutput({
txid: res.txid,
vout: res.vout,
satoshis: res.satoshis,
scriptPubKey: result.scriptPubKey
// Create a transaction using the seller's private key to fund the escrow
var fundEscrowTx = new Transaction()
.from(utxo) // Feed information about what unspent outputs one can use
.to(escrowAddress, 10000)
var txid = await bitbox.RawTransactions.sendRawTransaction(
Spend escrow UTXO
async function spendEscrow() {
var oraclePriv = sellerPrivKey;
var spenderPriv = buyerPrivKey;
var message = outputScriptData.conditions[0].message;
//Spend Escrow
var result = await bitbox.Address.utxo(escrowAddress.toString());
var res = result.utxos[0];
var escrowUtxo = new Transaction.UnspentOutput({
txid: res.txid,
vout: res.vout,
satoshis: res.satoshis,
scriptPubKey: result.scriptPubKey
// Make Transaction from escrow UTXO
var sighash = Signature.SIGHASH_ALL | Signature.SIGHASH_FORKID;
var spendEscrowTx = new Transaction().from(escrowUtxo).to(buyerAddress, 9350);
// Sign message with oracle private key
var oracleSig = Signature.signCDS(message, oraclePriv);
// Sign transaction with spender private key
var hex = spendEscrowTx.signEscrow(
var txid = await bitbox.RawTransactions.sendRawTransaction(hex.toString());
return console.log(txid);
Code released under the MIT license.