
The source code of ex2D Runtime Script

Primary LanguageC#

This is the ex2D runtime source code. The source code is provided to help ex2D user customize their own runtime scripts, finding problem and learning how to script in ex2D.

== Links ==

  * ex2D Official Page          : http://www.ex-dev.com/ex2d
  * ex2D Documentation          : http://www.ex-dev.com/ex2d/wiki
  * ex2D Script Reference       : http://www.ex-dev.com/ex2d/script_ref
  * ex2D on Unity Asset Store   : http://u3d.as/content/ex-dev-team/ex2d-v1-0-0/2eJ
  * ex2D on Unity Community     : http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/101811-ex2D-the-best-2D-sprite-solution-for-Unity-RELEASED

== Build ==

To build the source code, just run:

    $> make rebuild 
in your MacOSX terminal. You can modify the Makefile to help you compile source in Windows Machine.

= License =

The source code in this repository can only be used for the purpose of understanding and learning how ex2D runtime classes work. You are only allowed to include these source code in your commercial and non-commercial projects if you have got the ex2D standard/evaluation license.

You are not allowed to sell these code in any form.