
Rock Music Albums - Web Application. Built with Java, Spring Boot, MongoDB. IU Exam

Primary LanguageJava

Rock Albums Web Application


The Rock Albums web application is designed for rock music enthusiasts. It serves as a platform where users can discover, explore, and interact with their favorite rock albums. The application targets music lovers, collectors, and fans with a specific interest in rock music.


Discover and Explore

Users and guests can browse a collection of rock albums, including classic favorites, new releases, and hidden gems. They can access detailed information about each album, including artist, title, release year, genres, and tracks. For the purpose of the project, ten albums are used.

User Authentication

To contribute reviews and ratings, users need to register and log in to the system. This process ensures user authenticity and encourages accountability when posting reviews. Users have the option to browse through the collection as guests but will need to log in to participate in rating and reviewing.

System Architecture

The Rock Albums web application follows a client-server architecture.

Front-end Technologies

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: These fundamental web technologies are used for structuring and styling the application's interface and implementing dynamic functionalities.

Back-end Technologies

The application's back-end handles data storage, processing, and communication with the front-end. The chosen technologies include:

  • Java: This serves as the core language for back-end development.
  • Spring Boot: This is used to facilitate rapid development, dependency management, and RESTful API implementation.
  • Spring Data MongoDB: This library provides seamless integration between the Spring Boot application and the MongoDB database, simplifying data access and manipulation.


MongoDB is used to store and retrieve album information, reviews, ratings, and user registration data.

By leveraging these technologies, the Rock Albums web application provides a seamless, engaging experience for rock music enthusiasts, enabling them to discover, review, and bond over their shared love for rock albums.

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Installation Prerequisites

You will need the following things properly installed on your computer.

Test DATA - Importing the Database Dump

This repository includes a dump of sample data for the Music API application. This data is stored in BSON format, which is a binary representation of JSON-like documents. To import this data into your local MongoDB instance:

  1. Navigate to the application directory and find the dump/ directory in it.
  2. Inside the dump/ directory, there is a directory that corresponds to the database (music-api-db).
  3. Run the mongorestore command to import the data to your MongoDB database:
  • mongorestore --db music-api-db /path/to/your/dump/music-api-db

MongoDB will create the music-api-db database if it doesn't already exist, and then import the data into that database.

Replace /path/to/your/dump/music-api-db with the actual path to the music-api-db/ directory inside the dump/ directory. Please ensure your MongoDB server is running before executing the mongorestore command.


  • git clone https://github.com/gdesiato/DLBCSPJWD01.git this repository
  • cd DLBCSPJWD01

Running / Development

  • mvn clean install to install the dependencies
  • mvn spring-boot:run to start the application

The application will be running at http://localhost:8080

Running Test Cases

This project includes a set of unit tests that validate the functionality of the Album and Registration controllers. These tests make use of the JUnit and Mockito frameworks to create a controlled environment where the application's behavior can be evaluated.

To run these test cases, use the following Maven command:

  • cd DLBCSPJWD01
  • mvn test

Rock Album Cover