Ably Interview

Once again I want to thank you all for taking the time to interview me, and providing valuable feedback.

While I could not better the presentation or the technical approach, I did spend some time updating my demo.

It now:

  • is Motorsport Team focused in it's data and use case
  • uses the proper Auth Token method for the client side
  • has a backend that functions closer to the scenario of events being sent to Ably


Navigate to ably-pub and create a .env file based on .env.example

Navigate back to the top level and run:

  • docker compose build
  • docker compose up
  • visit http://localhost:5173

If there any issues with the docker setup, you can individually run the application.

  • In one shell, navigate to ably-pub

  • run: npm run publish

  • In another shell, navigate to ably-frontend

  • run: npm run dev

  • visit http://localhost:5173