
Movie App - A new practical item of my mobile app series that made with RN CLI and TS.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

⚛️React Native movie App

This project was created with React Native CLI and TypeScript template.



This project is a new practical item of my mobile app series that made with:

You'll need a TMDB (The Movie Database) account to access API service

Don't forget this 'cause I don't provide my api_key for this public project.

To access API fetch:

  • Go to API folder and open movieDB.tsx
  • Add your TMDB api_key
  • Change the language if you need it
  • Go to movieDB.http with your api_key to test requests

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run special commands like this:

To install node.js dependencies

$ npm install

To start the development server and run app on simulator or device

$ npx react-native run-android

$ npx react-native run-ios

Feel free to fork this repo and add your own twist.

More about me

👋 You can visit my webpage here: Paul's website.