
This Repo contains the Code challenge solution for Lightning Labs Platform Engineer role.

Primary LanguageShell

Lightning Labs Code Challenge

Reference -> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1I83EFLwSFiSo_3WfLPbLMLjN363kw2cPKa23UTOyU6M/edit?pli=1#

Base Challenge

This Repository contains all required pieces to setup the following:

  1. bitcoind node
  2. lnd-alice node
  3. lnd-bob node


for running this stack you will need a fresh version of:

  • docker
  • minikube
  • kubectl
  • helm


  • if your minikube instance is not running, start it now minikube start
  • go to /SECRETS/bitcoin.conf and set the RPC password and user name of your choice
  • go to /SECRETS/lnd.conf and match the bitcoind RPC username and Password the same as you used in the step above
  • run bootstrap.sh
  • run setup.sh to bootstrap the network. the end result of this script should be the payment confirmations sending some sats lnd-alice <-> lnd-bob
  • after youre done, just run cleanup.sh
  • if youre really done, you can delete the nodes data with docker exec minikube rm -rf /data/bitcoind /data/lnd-alice /data/lnd-bob


you can use the block-generator.sh script in order to mine 1 block every 10 seconds. (dont forget to update RPC user and password at the top)

<<<<<<< HEAD

In Progress

  • fixing lndinit config such that it stores the TLS certificate and macaroons to k8s secrets.
  • creating the program that performs the following actions:
    • generate alice new on-chain address
    • mine few blocks using alice address to receive mining rewards
    • use mining rewards to open channels to bob
    • make some payments thru said channels to bob and back to alice
  • gitops advanced challenge

known problems

  • depending on your minikube storage configuration, when running cleanup.sh and attempting bootstrap.sh again or when re-running bootstrap.sh, you will find this error... it can be fixed by deleting the lnd volumes inside the minikube host. (for me that means just running docker exec minikube rm -rf /data/lnd-bob /data/lnd-alice as soon as i get the crashloops on LND workloads); this effectively initializes the node with a new seed and wallet password. if you run cleanup.sh the secrets containing the seed and wallet password are going to be deleted, therefore if you want to be safe, make sure that you take note of those before performing any potentially destructive actions.

invalid passphrase


In Progress

  • gitops advanced challenge

known problems


  • by switching securityContext.enabled in the lnd chart, the lndinit process panics with a nil pointer deref

Alt text

<<<<<<< HEAD

Advanced Challenge 3 -> GitOps

For this challenge ive selected ArgoCD



  1. if your minikube instance is not runnig, start it now minikube start
  2. fill your github credentials in the go-gitops.sh file OR use the env vars $GITHUB_USER and $GITHUB_PAT in your environment
  3. run bootstrap-gitops.sh to deploy argocd pods to minikube
  4. wait until all pods are ready and run connect-gitops.sh on a secondary terminal
  5. run go-gitops.sh on your primary terminal

how it works

  • place your ApplicationSet manifests at GITOPS/sets this will inform argocd of the existence of apps and where to find its config values
  • place an umbrella helm chart with any amount of children charts as per your requirement
  • override the values in the umbrella chart as per your requirement

the ApplicationSet manifest allows us to have multiple environments of the same umbrella chart.

fixed problems

  • The solution for this was to delete the secret template from the lnd chart and allow the lndinit process to control the secrets for wallet credentials; for this to work we also need to add the create verb to the Role template such that the lndinit process is authorized to create new secrets in k8s.

depending on your minikube storage configuration, when running cleanup.sh and attempting bootstrap.sh again or when re-running bootstrap.sh, you will find this error... it can be fixed by deleting the lnd volumes inside the minikube host. (for me that means just running docker exec minikube rm -rf /data/lnd-bob /data/lnd-alice as soon as i get the crashloops on LND workloads); this effectively initializes the node with a new seed and wallet password. if you run cleanup.sh the secrets containing the seed and wallet password are going to be deleted, therefore if you want to be safe, make sure that you take note of those before performing any potentially destructive actions.

invalid passphrase

>>>>>>> main