
Based on a list of some of the Compact Framework development tools used to pay homage to lost youth.

Compact Framework Nice Partner


  • OpenNETCFSmart Device Framework - The Smart Device Framework is aimed at developers wanting to simplify and reduce the cost of their development experience using the .NET Compact Framework.

  • InTheHandCompact Framework In The Hand - A set of APIs for Windows Mobile and Windows Embedded devices for .NET Compact Framework 3.5 and later.


  • System.Data.SQLite - System.Data.SQLite is an ADO.NET provider for SQLite.

  • SQLiteWrapper - A wrapper library for SQLite that builds on .NET 2.0 and up, including Compact Framework.


  • OpenNETCF.ORM Framework - The OpenNETCF.ORM library is a lightweight object-relational mapping framework designed for use with the .NET Compact Framework, the full .NET Framework and Mono for Android (a.k.a. MonoDroid) and Mono for iOS (MonoTouch).

  • NDataBase - NDatabase is a easy to use .NET Object Database. To avoid impedance mismatch overhead between Object and Relational worlds, give a try to NDatabase. NDatabase is a new generation Object Database: a real native and transparent persistence layer for .NET.

  • DapperLite - a very simple object mapper for .NET, .NET Compact Framework and Mono.

  • EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact - Entity Framework Core SQL Server Compact provider.


  • OpenNETCF.IoC Framework - The OpenNETCF.IoC Framework it is a public-domain-licensed (you can't get any more free and unencumbered than that) framework written in C# (framework version 3.5) that provides both inversion of control and dependency injection for applications.

  • Ninject - Ninject is a lightning-fast, ultra-lightweight dependency injector for .NET applications. It helps you split your application into a collection of loosely-coupled, highly-cohesive pieces, and then glue them back together in a flexible manner. By using Ninject to support your software's architecture, your code will become easier to write, reuse, test, and modify.


  • Json.NET - Popular high-performance JSON framework.But only 3.5.8 version supports Windows CE


  • log4net - Like version 1.2.11 can be used, but now can not get the file compiled from the official website.

  • XLogger - Similar to log4net, you can consider trying.


  • Smart Thread Pool - Smart Thread Pool is a thread pool written in C#. It is far more advanced than the .NET built-in thread pool.But provide only limited support for Windows CE.


  • OpenNETCF.Desktop.Communication - A managed code library wrapper around the Remote Application Programmer's Interface (RAPI) exposed by ActiveSync and Windows Mobile Device Center (WMDC).


  • OpenNETCF.Extensions - This project is a collection of utiliy classes, helpers and extension methods that help us maintain projects that support multiple target platforms. It also contains useful classes that we use across multiple projects and platforms to perform things like Validation, providing REST connectors and such.