
Resuable iPhone pin lock view controller

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION


CPLockController is UIViewController subclass that allows users to set a 4 digit passcode or enter one.


Using CPLockController in your project

  1. Add CPLockController.h/.m to your project.

  2. Import CPLockController.h to your class header

     #import "CPLockController.h"
  3. Make your class follow the CPLockControllerDelegate protocol:

     @interface SampleAppViewController : UIViewController <CPLockControllerDelegate>
  4. Implement CPLockControllerDelegate methods:

     #pragma mark CPLockControllerDelegate Methods
     - (void)lockControllerDidFinish:(NSString*)passcode {
     	//called when the controller is finished
     	//a passcode is passed only when setting a new code
     		NSLog(@"new passcode: %@",passcode);
     	} else {
     		NSLog(@"passcode accepted!");
     - (void)lockControllerDidCancel {
     	//called when user hits cancel button
     	NSLog(@"user cancelled auth");
  5. For setting a new passcode:

     CPLockController *lockController = [[CPLockController alloc]initWithStyle:CPLockControllerTypeSet];
     lockController.delegate = self;
  6. For authorizing a user with a passcode:

     CPLockController *lockController = [[CPLockController alloc]initWithStyle:CPLockControllerTypeAuth];
     lockController.passcode = @"1234";  //this is the passcode the user needs to enter
     lockController.delegate = self;

6a. If using with an iPad, it is recommended to display using the UIModalPresentationFormSheet style lockController.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationFormSheet;

6b. If you want to delegate acceptance of the passcode to your own logic (e.g. comparing to a stored hash), implement the optional protocol: - (BOOL)lockController:(CPLockController *)lockController shouldAcceptPasscode:(NSString *)passcode;

  1. That's it! Optional customization: //Customize the navigation item title lockController.title = @"Passcode is 1234";

     //Customize the passcode prompt
     lockController.prompt = @"Please enter your passcode";
     //Show passcode during entry- default is YES
     lockController.hideCode = NO;
  2. If you need to localize the default prompts, they are located at the top of CPLockController.m

     #define kCPLCDefaultSetPrompt			@"Enter your new passcode"
     #define kCPLCDefaultAuthPrompt			@"Enter your passcode"
     #define kCPLCDefaultSetTitle			@"Set Passcode"
     #define kCPLCDefaultConfirmTitle		@"Confirm Passcode"
     #define kCPLCDefaultAuthTitle			@"Enter Passcode"
     #define kCPLCDefaultSetError			@"Passcodes did not match. Try again."
     #define kCPLCDefaultAuthError			@"Passcode incorrect. Try again."