
Este repositório contém as soluções de alguns problemas do Uri online Judge

Primary LanguageC++

Solver Uri

This repository is dedicated to code solutions for the Uri Jungle platform, with additional solutions for problems on beecrowd.

The Uri Jungle platform offers a variety of problems designed in game themes, providing users with a visual representation of ranks and the opportunity to solve problems in different languages. It also allows users to participate in annual competitions, adding a competitive and enjoyable aspect to problem-solving.

Supported Languages:

  • Java
  • C
  • C++
  • Python
  • SQL

How to Compile and Run Codes:


# Compile
javac Cliente.java
# Run
java Cliente.class


# Compile
gcc <name file>.c -o <name file out>
# Run
./<name file out> or <name file out> or <name file out>.exe


# Compile
g++ <name file>.cpp -o <name file out>
# Run
./<name file out> or <name file out> or <name file out>.exe

# Run
python "meu script.py"