"poolsId" - unique identifier
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"datum" - date on which the PCR was performed
"ergebnis" - PCR result (1 for positive and 2 for negative) -
"singleId" - unique identifier
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"datum" - date on which the PCR was performed
"ergebnis" - PCR result (1 for positive and 2 for negative) -
downloaded from RKI https://survstat.rki.de/Content/Query/Create.aspx
rows - districts
columns - calendar weeks
entries - 7-day-incidence for 4-10 year olds -
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"Kreisname" - district
"Sozialindexstufe" - school social deprivation index -
based on script "poolResolution.R"
"poolId" - unique identifier for pool-PCRs
"singleId" - unique identifier for corresponding single-PCRs
"Begruendung" - description if a positive pool-PCR for a positive single-PCR was found -
based on script "poolResolution.R"
"poolsId" - unique identifier for pool-PCRs
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"nPos" - number of positive single-PCRs for the corresponding positive pool-PCR
"datum" - date on which the pool-PCR was performed -
based on script "classSize.R"
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"avgPoolGroesseVorJuni" - pool size when alternate classes were held
"avgPoolGroesseAbJuni" - pool size for full-time schooling -
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"district" - district
Figure 4e,f and Extended Figure 8
"poolsId" - unique identifier
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"datum" - date on which the PCR was performed
"ergebnis" - PCR result (1 for positive and 2 for negative) -
"singleId" - unique identifier
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"datum" - date on which the PCR was performed
"ergebnis" - PCR result (1 for positive and 2 for negative) -
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"clientName" - school name
"street" - school address
"zipcode" - zipcode where the school is located
"city" - city where the school is located -
"Schulen" - school name
"Addresse der Schule" - school address
"PLZ" - zipcode where the school is located
"Stadt" - city where the school is located
"Klassenname" - class name
"Klassenstaerke" - class size
- Soll_daten
poolSollVorJuni : "avgPoolGroesseVorJuni" - pool size when alternate classes were held
poolSollAbJuni: "avgPoolGroesseAbJuni" - pool size for full-time schooling
"poolsId" - unique identifier
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"datum" - date on which the PCR was performed
"ergebnis" - PCR result (1 for positive and 2 for negative)
"klasseLabor" - class name -
"singleId" - unique identifier
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"datum" - date on which the PCR was performed
"ergebnis" - PCR result (1 for positive and 2 for negative)
"klasseLabor" - class name -
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"clientName" - school name
"street" - school address
"zipcode" - zipcode where the school is located
"city" - city where the school is located
"description" - another unique identifier for every school -
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"avgClassSize" - average size of the classes in one school -
"Altersstruktur 20210630_SuS_Schulen mit Primarstufe.xlsx"
"SCHULNR"- unique identifier for every school
"Schulform" - type of school
"SuS insgesamt" - Number of pupils per grade
"poolsId" - unique identifier for pool-PCRs
"clientId" - unique identifier for every school
"nPos" - number of positive single-PCRs for the corresponding positive pool-PCR
"datum" - date on which the pool-PCR was performed -
"poolId" - unique identifier for pool-PCRs
"singleId" - unique identifier for corresponding single-PCRs
"Begruendung" - description if a positive pool-PCR for a positive single-PCR was found
The code runs on Linux operating systems (Fedora 27) and has not been tested on other versions.
The code was developed on R-version 3.5.4 including following packages:
reshape 0.8.8
ggplot2 3.3.5
ggplus 0.1
readxl 1.3.1
writexl 1.4.0
xlsx 0.6.5
The code requires only a standard computer.
There is no installation process needed and run time is negligible.
Run the script "SARS-CoV-2_infection_dynamics_in_schools.R" in folder "scripts/" that loads the demo data in folder "demo_data". The output is the Figure 4e,f and Extended Figure 8. The run time is negligible.
Scripts are available in folder scripts/.