
minFraud ASP API

Primary LanguageASPGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

MaxMind minFraud ASP API


See Example.asp for complete example how to use this API. This script can be run from the shell or from IIS.

API Documentation

set ccfs = new CreditCardFraudDetection

This creates a new CreditCardFraudDetection object. set is required since it is an object


If isSecure is set to 0 then it uses regular HTTP. If isSecure is set to 1 then it uses Secure HTTPS.


Takes a dictionary object and uses it as input for the server. See http://dev.maxmind.com/minfraud for details on input fields.


Queries the server with the fields passed to the input method and stores the output.

set dictionary = ccfs.output()

Returns the output from the server as a dictionary object. set is required since it is an object. See http://dev.maxmind.com/minfraud for details on output fields.

Secure HTTPS

This script uses Microsoft's Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP which has full support for SSL. SSL is enabled by default. You may disable it by setting:

ccfs.isSecure = 0

where ccfs is the CreditCardFraudDetection object.

Error Handling

Errors will be placed into a string value in the output dictionary object which can then be checked before processing the returned data.


    Dim ret
    Set ret = ccfs.output()
    if(ret.Item("err") <> "") then
        'handle error here
        'Process data
    end if

A quick way to test the error handler is to modify the host list (Unable to find host), web-service URO (404 file not found or Invalid data returned), or set the timeout (Connection timed out) to a very low value (i.e. 0.01 seconds).

Copyright (c) 2004, Raging Creations Ltd.. Original PHP Code Copyright (c) 2004, MaxMind, Inc.

Converted by: Shaun Hawkes (shawkes@ragingcreations.com), August 15, 2004.

All rights reserved. This package is licensed under the GPL. For details see the LICENSE file.