CPU based RayTracer

This is a cpu based RayTracer for rendering scenes.

The RayTracer is written as part of my Studies at FHNW as part of the lectures "Computer Graphics" and "Workshop Spatical Computing"

Feature List

  • Monte-Carlo based Ray-Tracing
  • Gaussian Anti Aliasing
  • Multi-Threaded
  • Textures (with Emission)
  • Transparency (Refraction and Reflection)
  • Rendering of Primitive shapes:
    • Spheres
    • Cylinders
    • Planes
  • Boolean operators on geometry:
    • And
    • Or (WIP)
    • Not (WIP)
  • Multi Platform (Runs on Linux, Windows and Mac)
  • Live View of the rendering progress

Saves the finished rendering in the current working dir as a .png image

Example Renderings

Rendering with lighting Rendering with Reflections Rendering with Textures Rendering with Textures Rendering with Textures