
Tools for the LLaMA language model

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

LLaMA Tools

Random tools for playing with the LLaMA LLM and its tokenizer.


A simple script to add tokens from a text file to the tokenizer. You'll probably still have to finetune the model so it knows about these new tokens. Requires protobuf installed, but not sentencepiece (though you'll probably still want that).

Usage: python add_tokens.py [original model] [output model] [token list]
  • [original model] is the path to the original tokenizer model, which is included as etc/tokenizer.model for convenience.
  • [output model] is the file path for the modified tokenizer model, and should not be the same as [original model]
  • [token list] is the name of a text file with the following format:
N normal token
C <control token>
U user defined token
UB YW5vdGhlciB1c2VyIHRva2Vu

Lines begin with the token type, then are followed by a space and then the token value (until a newline) OR are followed by B and then a space to indicate the token value is base64 encoded. See test_list.txt.

For information on token types, see sputil/sentencepiece_model.proto and https://github.com/google/sentencepiece.


A simple script to print the training configuration for a tokenizer.

Usage: python tokenizer_info.py [model]

The configuration of the LLaMA tokenizer:

input: "/large_experiments/theorem/datasets/MERGED/all.test1.merged"
input_format: "text"
model_prefix: "spm_model_32k_200M_charcov099995_allowWSO__v2"
model_type: BPE
vocab_size: 32000
self_test_sample_size: 0
enable_differential_privacy: false
differential_privacy_noise_level: 0
differential_privacy_clipping_threshold: 0
character_coverage: 0.99995
input_sentence_size: 200000000
shuffle_input_sentence: true
seed_sentencepiece_size: 1000000
shrinking_factor: 0.75
max_sentence_length: 4192
num_threads: 80
num_sub_iterations: 2
max_sentencepiece_length: 16
split_by_unicode_script: true
split_by_number: true
split_by_whitespace: true
treat_whitespace_as_suffix: false
allow_whitespace_only_pieces: true
split_digits: true
required_chars: ""
byte_fallback: true
vocabulary_output_piece_score: true
hard_vocab_limit: true
use_all_vocab: false
unk_id: 0
bos_id: 1
eos_id: 2
pad_id: -1
unk_piece: "<unk>"
bos_piece: "<s>"
eos_piece: "</s>"
pad_piece: "<pad>"
unk_surface: " ⁇ "
train_extremely_large_corpus: false


A script to merge tokenizer model B into tokenizer model A. This may be useful for finetuning.

Usage: python merge_tokenizer.py [output model] [model a] [model b]


Copyright © 2023 Ronsor Labs. All rights reserved.

This software is provided under the MIT license. For more information, see the LICENSE in this repository. Third-party components, especially those in sputil/ may be provided under a different license.