
This is a Android sample application communicate with server socket by using service(安卓socket连接服务器,使用bind service)

Primary LanguageJava


An Android socket connecting to the server and use the service binding activity of the demo, spent half an hour to finish, later found project used, then open out, for the novice to learn, write the wrong place please correct me if any, Branch develop is the latest version, although it is not stable for now. 一个安卓socket连接服务器并使用service绑定activity的demo,花了半个小时完成,后来发现项目上用不到,于是开源出来,供新手学习,如果有写的不对的地方欢迎指正,谢谢;


  1. 使用Service绑定activity;using Service binding activity;
  2. 使用socket与服务器通讯; use socket to communicate with the server;
  3. 代码分离code separation;; Usage 1.Import sample and run it ; Contributors larsonzhong@163.com License MIT Copyright (c) 2016-2017