
Base bot by Ronzz YT

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Base Bot




Base ini adalah base dalam tahap perkembangan. Base Bot is a bot whatsapp using a Baileys library.

Support Language

  • Indonesia
  • English

But some I haven't changed the language 🛐

Heroku Buildpack


Command For Termux

pkg upgrade && pkg update
pkg install nodejs
pkg install libwebp
pkg install ffmpeg
pkg install imagemagick
pkg install yarn
pkg install git
git clone https://github.com/Ronzz-Ofc/BaseBotMD
cd /sdcard
cd BaseBotMD
yarn install
npm start

How to Get Mongodb URI

  • Belum Support


  • Belum Support

Edit Owner

Edit Owner options/setting.js
//Website api (jangan di ganti tomlol)
const api = "https://ronzxapis.my.id" //Apabila link api error segera lapor ke owner

//Free apikey (Apikey expired silahkan login terus ganti APIKEY dgn apikey lu)
const apikey = "APIKEY" //login di https://ronzxapis.my.id to get apikey || login di https://ronzxapis.my.id untuk mendapatkan apikey

const botName = "VelzzyBotz" //Nama bot
const owner = ["628817839722","16784037437"] //Ganti agar fitur owner bisa digunakan
const ownerNomer = "628817839722" //Nomor lu
const ownerName = "Ronzz YT" //Nama lu
const email = "ronzzyt8598@gmail.com" //Email lu
const youtube = "https://youtube.com/c/RonzzYT" //Youtube lu kalau ngga punya kasih tanda strip "-"
const region = "Indonesia" //Region lu
const footer = "VelzzyBotz © 2022" //Seterah
const packname = "© VelzzyBotz" //Sticker wm ubah
const author = "Di Buat Oleh Ronzz YT" //Sticker wm ubah nama lu
const sessionName = "session" //Ngga usah di ganti

const thumbnail = "./options/image/thumbnail.jpg" //Ngga usah di ganti
const qris = "./options/image/qris.jpg" //Ngga usah di ganti
const menfess = "./options/image/menfess.jpg" //Ngga usah di ganti
const source = "./options/image/source.jpg" //Ngga usah di ganti
const bc = "./options/image/bc.jpg" //Ngga usah di ganti
const responP = "./options/image/responP.jpg" //Ngga usah di ganti

const sp = "⭔"
const mess = {
	sukses: "Done🤗",
	admin: "Command ini hanya bisa digunakan oleh Admin Grup",
	botAdmin: "Bot Harus menjadi admin",
	owner: "Command ini hanya dapat digunakan oleh owner bot",
	prem: "Command ini khusus member premium",
	group: "Command ini hanya bisa digunakan di grup",
	private: "Command ini hanya bisa digunakan di Private Chat",
	wait: "⏳ Mohon tunggu sebentar...",
	errorLv: "Link yang kamu berikan tidak valid",
	errorApi: "Maaf terjadi kesalahan"

module.exports = { api, apikey, botName, owner, ownerNomer, ownerName, email, youtube, region, footer, packname, author, sessionName, thumbnail, qris, menfess, source, bc, responP, sp, mess }


Click Here For Tutorial


Qris All Payment

Official Group

Thanks to

  • Allah SWT.
  • Nabi Muhammad SAW.
  • Orang Tua
  • Ronzz YT ( Base & Author )
  • Saipul Anuar ( Mastah )
  • Danzz Coding ( Mastah )
  • My Subscriber
  • All Konten Kreator Bot