
Hints for daily faced challenges in git.


Hints for daily faced challenges in git.

day 0: Clone branch from remote repository

will clone only master branche

git  clone  https://github.com/RooBarsic/GitHints.git

will clone branch with name "branch_name"

git  clone  --branch  branch_name  https://github.com/RooBarsic/GitHints.git        -  

day 1: Create new branch

  • check branches that you already have
git  branch
  • Move to the base branch from which you want to create new branch ( usually it's master branch )
git  checkout  BranchName
  • create new branch
git  branch  NewBranchName
  • remove branch if you made mistake in branch name, or you come up with better idea of branch name
git  branch  -D  NewBranchName
  • check is there your NewBranchName in branches that you already have
git  branch
  • Move to the created branch
git  checkout  NewBranchName

day 2: Make commit and push changes to remote repository

  • check the changes
git  status
  • add files to index in order to make commit
git  add  .               - will add all changed files to index
git  add  PathToFile      - will add exactly file to index
git  reset  PathToFile    - will remove exactly file from index
  • make sure that all necessary files are added
git  status
  • make loacal commit with message
git  commit  -m  "commit_message"       - will make commit with given message
  • push commit to the remote repository
git  push  origin  HEAD

day 3: Chage message of last pushed commit

git  commit  --amend  -m  "NewCommitMessage"
git  push  --force  origin  HEAD

day 4: Remove some files from last pushed commit

  • move back HEAD to previous commit
git  reset  --soft  HEAD~1
  • check the changes
git  status
  • remove useless files from this commit
git  reset  PathToFile
  • push changes to remote repository
git  push  --force  origin  HEAD