
A website to mirror the actual SRG console

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Have you ever heard about the SRG Consoles? These devices are used by modern motormen to check if their course is delayed or is rushed!

What about the retro trams, busses or trolleys? Here's the problem, these transports doesn't have any electronics, therefore this project provide a convenient way of simulating such a console.

Real life SRG Console

Here's an example of an actual SRG console

Tech Stack

The project is build on Docker which runs 3 microservices:

Tech It's use
Nginx To host the WWW server Online
MySQL A database for holding the routes timetables
PHP Backend of the server that works with the DB


The installation is fairly simple. What You need is a PC or server that has an installed Docker 🐳 and around 1 GB of free space.

  1. Open the Command Prompt in the project folder

  2. Build the images by typing

    docker-compose up --build

    If you see this message, then everything works properly

    Successful Build

  3. Stop the containers by clicking CTRL+C, then launch the Docker Compose in the detached mode

    docker-compose up --detach
  4. Create & load the tables to the Database container

    Note: The r00tadmin is the default password

    docker exec -i db mysql -u root -pr00tadmin mysql < dbData.sql
  5. If you're getting the following output, nothing more then well done - You're all set 🎉!

    Successful Load


Panel for choosing the route, brigade & the type of ride.

Settings panel

SRG Console simulation

SRG Console panel


  • Hubert Lewandowski (RooTender)
  • Łukasz Zaleski (lukasz340)
  • Michał Spychalski (spychalak)