Nim game written in Python
Rules of the game:
- There are a few piles of items
- 2 players take turns to take items from the piles
- During your turn, you can take as many items from a single pile as you want, but you have to take at least one and you cannot take from any other pile after that
- The player who takes the last item is the winner
- The code is written in Python 3
- Supports "Player vs Player" and "Player vs AI" modes
- Currently in the vs AI mode the human player starts the game (which makes him in absolute disadvantage and should result in a loss 100% of the games)
- The AI has simple solutions to unbalanced state of the game (such as the second turn of the game)
Allow 2 player mode (hot spot)Done!- Add GUI
Add difficulty levelsDone!
-- Written by Marian Radev