
Retrieve player stats from Warcraft III The Frozen Throne

Primary LanguageHTML

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Warcraft III The Frozen Throne Statistics

A tool for retrieving player statistics while playing on Battle.net.

Your are sick of writing

stats 'player name' 😒

then this tool is for you! 😎

While your start a game War3Stats sniffs TCP packets, interprets them and finds out game statistics of participating players.

All what you have to do is to start WC3Stats.Server.exe. The browser will be opened and you can see your games. If you don't have several monitors you can scan the given QR code with your mobile phone. So it is up to you how to use War3Stats using your mobile phone or desktop browser.

Supported Games

  • RT 2v2, 3vs3, 4vs4
  • AT not tested

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Desktop Experience
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Mobile Experience
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