
DiffSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis via Shallow Diffusion Mechanism (SVS & TTS); AAAI 2022; Official code

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

DiffSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis via Shallow Diffusion Mechanism

arXiv GitHub Stars

This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of our AAAI-2022 paper, in which we propose DiffSinger (for Singing-Voice-Synthesis) and DiffSpeech (for Text-to-Speech).

Besides, more detailed & improved code framework, which contains the implementations of FastSpeech 2, DiffSpeech and our NeurIPS-2021 work PortaSpeech is coming soon ✨ ✨ ✨.

DiffSinger/DiffSpeech at training DiffSinger/DiffSpeech at inference
Training Inference

🚀 News:

  • Dec.01, 2021: DiffSinger was accepted by AAAI-2022.
  • Sep.29, 2021: Our recent work PortaSpeech: Portable and High-Quality Generative Text-to-Speech was accepted by NeurIPS-2021 arXiv .
  • May.06, 2021: We submitted DiffSinger to Arxiv arXiv.


conda create -n your_env_name python=3.8
source activate your_env_name 
pip install -r requirements_2080.txt   (GPU 2080Ti, CUDA 10.2)
or pip install -r requirements_3090.txt   (GPU 3090, CUDA 11.4)

DiffSpeech (TTS version)

1. Data Preparation

a) Download and extract the LJ Speech dataset, then create a link to the dataset folder: ln -s /xxx/LJSpeech-1.1/ data/raw/

b) Download and Unzip the ground-truth duration extracted by MFA: tar -xvf mfa_outputs.tar; mv mfa_outputs data/processed/ljspeech/

c) Run the following scripts to pack the dataset for training/inference.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python data_gen/tts/bin/binarize.py --config configs/tts/lj/fs2.yaml

# `data/binary/ljspeech` will be generated.

2. Training Example

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tasks/run.py --config usr/configs/lj_ds_beta6.yaml --exp_name lj_exp1 --reset

3. Inference Example

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tasks/run.py --config usr/configs/lj_ds_beta6.yaml --exp_name lj_exp1 --reset --infer

We also provide:

  • the pre-trained model of DiffSpeech;
  • the pre-trained model of HifiGAN vocoder;
  • the individual pre-trained model of FastSpeech 2 for the shallow diffusion mechanism in DiffSpeech;

Remember to put the pre-trained models in checkpoints directory.

About the determination of 'k' in shallow diffusion: We recommend the trick introduced in Appendix B. We have already provided the proper 'k' for Ljspeech dataset in the config files.

DiffSinger (SVS version)

0. Data Acquirement

  • WIP. We will provide a form to apply for PopCS dataset.

1. Data Preparation

  • WIP. Similar to DiffSpeech.

2. Training Example

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tasks/run.py --config usr/configs/popcs_ds_beta6.yaml --exp_name popcs_exp1 --reset
# or
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tasks/run.py --config usr/configs/popcs_ds_beta6_offline.yaml --exp_name popcs_exp2 --reset

3. Inference Example

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python tasks/run.py --config usr/configs/popcs_ds_beta6_offline.yaml --exp_name popcs_exp2 --reset --infer

The pre-trained model for SVS will be provided recently.


tensorboard --logdir_spec exp_name

Mel Visualization

Along vertical axis, DiffSpeech: [0-80]; FastSpeech2: [80-160].

DiffSpeech vs. FastSpeech 2

Audio Demos

Audio samples can be found in our demo page.

We also put part of the audio samples generated by DiffSpeech+HifiGAN (marked as [P]) and GTmel+HifiGAN (marked as [G]) of test set in resources/demos_1218.

(corresponding to the pre-trained model DiffSpeech)


  title={DiffSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis via Shallow Diffusion Mechanism}, 
  author={Jinglin Liu and Chengxi Li and Yi Ren and Feiyang Chen and Zhou Zhao},


Our codes are based on the following repos:

Also thanks Keon Lee for fast implementation of our work.