
This project aims to facilitate the integration of a marketplace contract using the thirdweb SDK v5 on the Rootstock testnet (chain ID 31). It provides a client-side application to interact with the marketplace contract, allowing you to:

  • Get the total number of listings
  • Create a new listing
  • Purchase an item from a listing
  • Cancel an existing listing


  • Bun: This project uses Bun, a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime. Ensure you have Bun installed (version 1.1.26 or higher).
  • Node.js: If you prefer using Node.js, you can adapt the scripts accordingly.
  • thirdweb SDK v5: Make sure you have the latest version installed.
  • Private Key: You'll need a private key with sufficient permissions and funds on the Rootstock testnet.


Clone the repository and install the dependencies:

git clone
cd thirdweb-marketplace
bun install


Environment Variables:

  1. Create a .env file in the root directory.
  2. Add your private key to the .env file:

Note: Never commit your .env file to version control to keep your private key secure.

Client Configuration:

  • The thirdwebClient is configured in ./config/client.ts.
  • Ensure the client is set up to connect to the Rootstock testnet.


  • Update ./utils/constants.ts if necessary, ensuring that color codes and other constants are correctly defined.


Running the Script

To execute the main script:

bun run index.ts

Features Implemented

1. Get Total Listings

The script fetches and displays all active listings from the marketplace. It uses the getActiveListings function to:

  • Fetch the total number of listings.
  • Retrieve all valid listings within a specified range.
  • Display the listings in a formatted table.
// Fetch and display active listings
await getActiveListings();

2. Create a New Listing

Note: The create listing functionality is currently commented out in the script. You can enable it by uncommenting the relevant sections.

The createDirectListing function (commented out) allows you to:

  • Approve the marketplace contract to handle your NFTs.
  • Create a new listing with specified parameters such as assetContract, tokenId, pricePerToken, etc.

To use this functionality:

  1. Uncomment the createDirectListing function and its call in the main function.
  2. Update the parameters as needed.
// Example of creating a new listing (commented out)
// await createDirectListing({
//   assetContract: collectionAddress,
//   tokenId: 7n,
//   pricePerToken: 10000000000000n,
//   quantity: 1n,
//   startTimestamp: BigInt(Math.floor( / 1000)),
//   endTimestamp: BigInt(Math.floor( / 1000)) + 86400n,
//   reserved: false,
// });

3. Purchase an Item from a Listing

Note: The purchase functionality is currently commented out. You can enable it by uncommenting the relevant sections.

The buyFromListingFunction allows you to:

  • Purchase an item from an existing listing.
  • Specify parameters like listingId, quantity, and recipient.

To use this functionality:

  1. Uncomment the buyFromListingFunction call in the main function.
  2. Update the parameters with the desired listing ID, quantity, and recipient address.
// Example of buying from a listing (commented out)
// await buyFromListingFunction({
//   listingId: 2n,
//   quantity: 1n,
//   recipient: '0xRecipientAddress',
// });

4. Cancel an Existing Listing

Note: The cancel listing functionality is also commented out. You can enable it by uncommenting the relevant sections.

The cancelListing function allows you to:

  • Cancel a listing by its ID.

To use this functionality:

  1. Uncomment the cancelListing call in the main function.
  2. Provide the listing ID you wish to cancel.
// Example of canceling a listing (commented out)
// await cancelListing(7n);

Code Structure


This is the main script that orchestrates the interaction with the marketplace contract.

  • Imports: Includes necessary functions and types from thirdweb, as well as utilities and constants.
  • Configuration: Sets up the marketplace and collection contracts, and retrieves the publisher account.
  • Functions:
    • getActiveListings: Fetches and displays active listings.
    • createDirectListing: Creates a new listing (commented out).
    • buyFromListingFunction: Purchases an item from a listing (commented out).
    • cancelListing: Cancels an existing listing (commented out).
  • Main Execution Flow: Calls getActiveListings to display listings.


Contains the configuration for the thirdwebClient, specifying the network and other settings.


Defines constants used throughout the script, such as color codes for console output.


Includes utility functions, such as displayTable, to assist with data presentation and formatting.


  • Error Handling: Each function includes error handling to catch and display any issues during execution.

  • Modularity: The code is modular, allowing you to easily enable or disable features by commenting or uncommenting function calls.

  • Customization: Update parameters like listingId, tokenId, and addresses as per your requirements.

  • Additional Features: Extend functionality to include bidding, offers, and more detailed listing management.

  • UI Integration: Develop a frontend interface to interact with the marketplace more intuitively.


Contributions are welcome! Please submit issues and pull requests for any improvements or new features.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.