
A package for verifying JWS-attestations from Google's SafetyNet.


This package verifies SafetyNet attestations by following the steps described on the page. It allows you to specify what parts of the JWS-body you wish to verify, but will always atleast verify the certificate and validity of the JWS.


pip install pySafetyNet-Attestation


Online verification

from safetynet_attestation import Attestation

jws_token = "..."
api_key = "..."

attestation = Attestation(jws_token)

verify_online takes the following optional parameters:

  • url="<standard url>"
    • If you for some reason wish to validate against some other url.

<standard url> can be found at Google's SafetyNet documentation.

Offline verification

from safetynet_attestation import Attestation

jws_token = "..."

attestation = Attestation(jws_token)

verify_offline takes the following optional parameters:

  • apkPackageName=None

  • nonce=None

  • apkDigestSha256=None

    • str of hex-values.
  • apkCertificateDigestSha256=None

    • Can be list of str or str.
  • check_basicIntegrity=True

  • check_ctsProfileMatch=True

  • hostname=""

    • Used for TLS validation of the certificate. Only modify if you know what you are doing.

A full explanation of the parameters above can be found at Google's SafetyNet documentation

Once a token has been verified, the following fields can be used:

  • header

    • A dictof the token's header.
  • body

    • A dict of the token's body.
  • certificates

    • A listof base64-decoded certificates present in the header.
  • public_key_pem

    • The public key of the certificate.