
Primary LanguageC++


We are developing an autononmous drone that could compete in IARC Mission 9.


You can install this package in the traditional or conventional way.


To install this repository into your catkin workspace we first need to know the catkin directory structure

|-- build 				// Where all the generated libraies and executables end up
|-- devel 				// Where our setup scripts are
    |-- setup.bash  	// Set our $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to the current directory plus other environment stuff.
    |-- setup.sh 		// Set our $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to the current directory plus other environment stuff.
|-- src
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- Package1		// Sample Project 
        |-- src
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- Package.xml
|   .catkin_workspace

Now we have a current idea of what our Catkin workspace looks like, now type in the following command to clone the current repository. Let's go to our catkin_ws/src directory and clone the current repository.

HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/UNL-UAV/uav-ros --recursive

SSH: git clone git@github.com:UNL-UAV/uav-ros.git --recursive

Our catkin_ws should look like:

|-- build 				// Where all the generated libraies and executables end up
|-- devel 				// Where our setup scripts are
    |-- setup.bash  	// Set our $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to the current directory plus other environment stuff.
    |-- setup.sh 		// Set our $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to the current directory plus other environment stuff.
|-- src
    |-- CMakeLists.txt
    |-- Package1		// Sample Project 
        |-- src
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- Package.xml
    |-- uav-ros			// Our ROS Project
        |-- include 
        |-- src
        |-- CMakeLists.txt
        |-- package.xml
        |-- ...
|   .catkin_workspace

You're all done.


Some developers has developed a more conventional and traditional way of programming. Which is not completely bad or wrong. Our project adapt for that

Let say we put all of our local git repository under ~/git/. You can just clone the repository like normal under the ~/git directory.

HTTPS: git clone https://github.com/UNL-UAV/uav-ros

SSH: git clone git@github.com:UNL-UAV/uav-ros.git

|-- test
|-- repo1
|-- repo2
|-- ...
|-- uav-ros			// Our ROS Project
        |-- include 
        |-- src
        |-- premake5.lua
        |-- package.xml
        |-- ...

Now we got to make sure ROS can see this repository we have to add ~/git to the $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH global varible. In a terminal type the following command. Making sure that you're replacing /path/to/git. We could also add this command into our ~/.bash_rc file.




To build using the traditional method we can invoke the catkin_make command


To build using the conventional method we can be inside of the repository directory and run the follwoing commands

premake5 gmake2
make -C workspace

Note: You do not have to run premake5 gmake2 command everytime. You have to run the command on your first build and every *.cpp you add after that.


To run this with ros you can just use rosrun uav_ros {executable}