
Tor proxy support for your python requests.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Tor Request

Tor proxy support for python requests.


pip install pysocks
pip install requests

OR: pip install -r requirements.txt


# Import TorRequest class
from TorRequest import TorRequest

# Call TorRequest with path to Tor executable
t = TorRequest('<full_path_to>/tor.exe') # Windows
t = TorRequest('/usr/local/bin/tor') # Mac OS X (default path)
t = TorRequest('/usr/sbin/tor') # Linux (default path)

# Send optional, comma-separated HTTP headers
headers = {'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0'}
t = TorRequest('<path>', headers)

# Get status (true: connected, false: not connected)

# Get Tor ip address

# Get requests session object with binded Tor circuit

# Get website content with anonymized request
t.get('https://github.com/') # Returns HTML content
t.get('https://github.com/', True) # Returns response object (contains HTTP status code, text, ...)

# Example: print HTTP status code
print(t.get('https://github.com/', True).status_code)

# Send anonymized POST request to website (e.g. login credentials)
t.post('<url>', {'username': 'foo', 'password': 'bar'}) # Returns HTML content
t.post('<url>', {'username': 'foo', 'password': 'bar'}, True) # Returns response object

Tor executable


  • Download Tor Browser Bundle from the official website and install it
  • Tor executable is placed inside <tbb_installation_path>\Browser\TorBrowser\Tor\tor.exe
  • If you don't want to install the whole Tor Browser Bundle, you can also download just the Tor source code

Mac OS X

  • Install Tor using Homebrew via terminal: brew install tor
  • Find installation path: which tor
  • By default, installation path is /usr/local/bin/tor


  • Install Tor via terminal: apt install tor -y
  • Find installation path: which tor
  • By default, installation path is /usr/sbin/tor


For both Mac and Linux it's possible, to use that Tor executable that comes with the Tor Browser Bundle. I still recommend to use the Tor source code installed via terminal (for reason, see Troubleshooting section).


Exception "SyntaxError (unicode error)" thrown
Use forward slashes for path string or mark this string as raw string (e.g. r'C:\Users...\tor.exe'). You can also use double backslashes.

Error message "Missing dependencies for SOCKS support".
(Re-)install PySocks module.

Exception "SOCKSHTTPSConnectionPool" thrown.
This exception gets thrown, if you're using the Tor executable out of the Tor Browser Bundle in Linux while running the Browser itself. Use the Tor installation under /usr/sbin/tor to avoid this error.