
Includes the ships, missions, and outfits I have or will create. Includes unique and original endless sky ideas and original assets.

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Includes the ships, missions, and outfits I have or will create. Features unique and original endless sky ideas and original assets created by me.

Please note that as of this time I do not consider this mod pack ready for public use. By using this mod you are automatically a Beta tester. This mod may break your game save, not function as expected, or destroy the universe... who knows.

My ships:

Captured Archon

An Archon captured by the syndicate and fitten with control devices and modified weaponery. Fortunatly the syndicate was unable to access the most powerful of the Drak weaponery but this is still a fearsome weapon in the wrong hands.


This ship, originally created to explot a vulnurability in a malfunctioning Korath ship, is fitted with a powerful electrical arc weapon which bypasses shields entirely and does massive amounts of damage.


Inspired by the yaka arrow from guardians of the galaxy, this drone ship is capable of instantly destroying nearly every ship in the game. It also has a tracer effect similar to the one in the movies.

Sol Invictus

Sol Invictus, a ship with a blue dwarf at it heart providing nearly unlimited energy along with thrust and a flame thrower like weapon.