
This shell script (bash) provides an interactive interface to perform various operations related to network interfaces on a Linux system.


  • Check the status of network interfaces: Displays a list of all available network interfaces on the system and allows the user to select one to check its status.
  • Stop monitor mode: Allows the user to stop monitor mode on a specific network interface.
  • Restart network service: Restarts the network service on the system to apply changes or resolve connectivity issues.


  • This script must be executed with superuser (root) privileges.


  1. Clone or download the repository from wifi-restart.sh.
  2. Grant execution permissions to the script: chmod +x wifi-restart.sh.
  3. Run the script as root: sudo ./wifi-restart.sh.
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform the desired operations.

Example Usage

sudo ./wifi-restart.sh