This is the implementation for the ICME-2023 paper (Adaptive Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation with Meta-Learning).

Primary LanguagePython


This repo covers the implementation of the following ICME 2023 paper: Adaptive Multi-Teacher Knowledge Distillation with Meta-Learning


This repo was tested with Python 3.6, PyTorch 1.8.1, and CUDA 11.1.


Before distill the student, be sure to put the teacher model directory in setting.py.

nohup python train_meta.py --model_s vgg8 --teacher_num 3 --distill inter --ensemble_method META --nesterov -r 1 -a 1 -b 100 --hard_buffer  --convs  --trial 0  --gpu_id 0&

where the flags are explained as:

  • --distill: specify the distillation method
  • --model_s: specify the student model, see 'models/init.py' to check the available model types.
  • -r: the weight of the cross-entropy loss between logit and ground truth, default: 1
  • -a: the weight of the KD loss, default: 1
  • -b: the weight of other distillation losses, default: 0
  • --teacher_num: specify the ensemble size (number of teacher models)
  • --ensemble_method: specify the ensemble_method
  • --hard_buffer: whether a hard buffer is required
  • convs: the way of feature alignment. If not, just use 1x1 convolution for alignment


If you find this repository useful, please consider citing the following paper:


The implementation of compared methods are mainly based on the author-provided code and the open-source benchmark https://github.com/HobbitLong/RepDistiller and https://github.com/alinlab/L2T-ww.