Pera Platform

Created for Axelar Hackathon, but a bit too ambitious!

Next Generation Wallet with transaction routing between chains

System Requirements

Targeting builds for iOS, Android, web, and possibly gaming consoles.

Dart SDK Version 2.12.0 or greater. Flutter SDK Version 2.0.0 or greater.

General Structure

├── android                         - contains files and folders required for running the application on an Android operating system.
├── assets                          - contains all images and fonts
├── ios                             - contains files required by the application to run the dart code on iOS platforms.
├── lib                             - Most important folder in the project, used to write most of the dart code.
    ├── main.dart                   - starting point of the application
    ├── core
    │   ├── app_export.dart         - contains commonly used file imports 
    │   ├── constants               - contains all constants classes
    │   ├── errors                  - contains error handling classes                  
    │   ├── network                 - contains network related classes
    │   └── utils                   - contains common files and utilities of project
    ├── data
    │   ├── apiClient               - contains api calling methods 
    │   ├── models                  - contains request/response models 
    │   └── repository              - network repository
    ├── localization                - contains localization classes
    ├── presentation                - contains all screens and screen controllers
    │   └── screens                 - contains all screens
    ├── routes                      - contains all the routes of application
    └── theme                       - contains app theme and decoration classes